Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30th

Thank you for your comments.
The website is up and running, although it is still a work in progress
I am so glad that people find the blog useful. At some point the blog will be easily accessed through the website as well.
Regarding appointments online...that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
It is such a delicate balance here, making sure that people can get routine physical exams done in a timely manner, while leaving enough open spots for acute care needs. We also end up needing to fit in last minute newborns and emergencies. On very busy days, we need to really use our triage skills to make sure that the few existing appointments go to those who really need them.

We are still seeing a tummy bug making the rounds. It has been lasting only a day or two. It has started with low grade fever and some vomiting and then moves into some diarrhea.
We have seen a handful of truly miserable children with high fevers and low energy.
So far this is the second day that I am seeing this, so I don't know how long it will be hanging around.
We have lots of mild colds and coughs that are lingering for WEEKS.
For some odd reason I have also had several sore penis complaints this week as well!!
Enjoy the weekend!
~nurse Judy

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

web site

I am working on a website for Noe Valley pediatrics.
It is up and running in it's most basic format

I would love some feedback from you.
What are you most looking for in a website?
comments and suggestions welcome!!
~Nurse Judy

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th

coughs and colds are the order of the day.
I heard rumors of a fever/ flu syndrome making the rounds, but I have NOT seen much of that with our patients.
We are getting busy with summer check ups. If you have camp and school forms do NOT wait for the last minute to get an appointment.
We have tons of newborns in the practice who need to be fit in without much advance warning, We also need to save room for acute care appointments, so please plan in advance so that we can accommodate your needs.

If anyone is in need of a super nanny, please let me know.
We have a family that is moving to the East Coast that has nothing but wonderful things to say about the nanny they are leaving behind.
If you are interested, leave a comment here and I can get you in touch
~Nurse Judy

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nebulizer/asthma Folks take note-

Got Xopenex??

The Xopenex manufacturer is picking up your copay!!

Go to the above website- fill out the information- get a card to print out good for 0 copay on Xopenex nebulizer treatments for 12 refills.

Hope this helps some of our families who need to Xopenex treatments this year....

This is an open coupon, so you can pass it on to families not in our practice.


Nurse Charity

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

spring colds/ weekly update

I am still getting some reports of hand foot mouth out there
there are many families with coughs and colds with some wheezing
The pollen count is very high and allergy symptoms are flaring up
Ear infections and conjunctivitis are a constant complaint
There is a mild tummy illness still making the rounds, people are typically over it within a few days.
Nothing exciting to report... that is a good thing I imagine.
~nurse Judy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

what's going around

We are still seeing a tummy bug.
Allergies are pretty bad this week as well, some of our more allergic kids are doing some wheezing.
Plenty of little coughs and colds making the rounds.
Nothing too dramatic out there.
Enjoy the bit of sunshine that we are seeing
~Nurse Judy

FREE cardiac physicals for teens

Dr Kaplan discovered a great resource.
UCSF is offering free cardiac physicals for any high school athlete on May 22nd 2010.This includes a physical exam by a sports medicine physician as well as a cardiac exam byt a UCSF cardiologist.
For more info check out the
please pass this info along to anyone you think can make use of it.
~Nurse Judy

Friday, April 9, 2010

Roto virus information

A couple of calls today about the Rota virus vaccination. We only use the Merck- RotaTeq for our clients so _no need to worry_ about the vaccination recall on the Rotarix product- here is the statement from the FDA-

Rotarix Vaccine: Update to Clinicians and Public Health Professionals

[Posted 03/22/2010] FDA is recommending that healthcare professionals temporarily suspend the use of Rotarix, a vaccine used to prevent rotavirus disease. FDA’s recommendation is a precaution taken while the agency learns more about the situation.

FDA has learned that DNA from porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) is present in Rotarix. PCV1 is not known to cause disease in humans. There is no evidence at this time that this finding poses a safety risk. Because available evidence supports the safety of Rotarix, no medical follow-up is needed for patients who have been vaccinated with Rotarix.

There are two licensed vaccines for rotavirus in the United States: RotaTeq and Rotarix. For children who have received one dose of Rotarix, CDC advises that clinicians can complete the series with RotaTeq for the next two doses.

What is Rota-virus??
Bad, bad diarrhea/vomiting illness. Small babies dehydrate quickly, so we like for them to be protected in their first year.

Let me write again- we do not use Rotarix in our office.


Nurse Charity

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mellow April

Nothing much to report.
There is a mild tummy thing going around. Half of the patients do have some fever with this one. Everyone has cleared it within a few days.
We have the standard coughs and colds.
We also have some lingering slap cheek and hand foot mouth, much less than last week. check earlier blog posts for info on those annoying viral syndromes.
For all of you with children over 4 who need summer/ school/ camp early for those appointments.
If your child is going to camp get a hold of the forms as soon as possible.
Enjoy this lovely weather.
~Nurse Judy

Thursday, April 1, 2010


April fools day started off with a little girl swallowing her hair clip, but moved along to more normal issues.
We seem to be having a run of vomiting patients out there. So far the bowel movements are mostly normal and there is not much fever. I will keep you updated if I start seeing more of that.
I also heard a report that there is a surge of H1N1 in the South East.
Could that mean it is coming back this spring?? We shall see. It may be time for that booster of the H1N1 vaccine if your child has only had one. (or didn't get the shot at all)
stay well
~Nurse Judy