Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26th

This morning I have had reports of a handful of kids with a short but violent tummy bug, that started with vomiting and moved into diarrhea.
The key to handling these is to focus on keeping your child hydrated with small sips of an electrolyte solution (like pedialyte), gatorade or of course breast milk if you are lucky enough to have some. When your child is retaining fluids you can advance the diet along to bland and starchy foods.
Probiotics are very useful for getting the tummy back to its normal state.

We have also seen several kids with mild body rashes.. At this point I am blaming it on food sensitivities, but we are watching to see if any other symptoms come along.

We have gotten several labs tests back where the patients are low in Vitamin D.
In this foggy city, it is probably wise for everyone to be making sure they are getting adequate Vitamin D. An over the counter supplement is an easy way to ensure this.

A couple of our patients have gotten ticks... Pet stores sell tick removing tweezers for pretty cheap. They are a good thing to keep around, because they easily remove the ticks with the head intact...the right tool for the job!
If your child gets a tick bite. Remove it and put it in a baggy. Then call us!!

We will be getting the flu mist in the first week in August.
If you are in the office and want to get it for yourself or your over 2 year old, just let the doctor know!

Have a healthy week

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19th

Towards the end of last week I started getting reports of a tummy bug starting to make the rounds. Lots of diarrhea..
This morning the Monday calls were reasonably light.
We have several kids with a high fever viral type syndrome and swollen glands.
We have several wheezy kids.
plenty of ear infections.
The prize for the most miserable of the bunch goes out to a little 2 year old with a mouth full of awful sores..
If you have school forms that need to be filled out, please don't wait until the last moment to get them over to us!
~Stay well
Nuurse Judy

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13th

mostly quiet on the viral front this week.
There are a few coughs and colds out there but nothing too awful.
We do have a couple of kids with the chicken pox.

Believe it or not we are expecting our first shipment of the flu mist within a few weeks.
This season the H1N1 is combined with the seasonal flu.
Anyone over the age of 2 can get the mist and it should give protection throughout the entire flu season.
We have no idea what flu will be coming this year, last year was so strange, but we do think that the vaccine is safe and worthwhile. We will be offering it to anyone who wants it (including parents and babysitters for $35). I will let you know when we get it.

I needed to reschedule my safety class..I will likely do the next one some time in August.
Let me know if you would like an email when I pick the date
~stay well
nurse Judy

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July update

Although the phones were certainly busy on this Tuesday morning...there was not a central theme.
We had kids who are old enough to know better swallowing lego pieces,
A baby bitten on the face by the family dog because she interfered with the food bowl
(pet owners....please take pains to make sure this doesn't happen to you),
Lots of little sprains and injuries,and plenty of bug bites.
In terms of illness I am getting reports of a croupy cough virus and some mild diarrhea. Nothing much else to report.
stay well