Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years coverage

We will have morning hours on Friday.
The after hours clinic will see patients Friday afternoon and through the weekend as usual.
If you have any concerns and think you want your child checked before the weekend, make sure you call early!!

Also, just letting you know...We just had our first official positive flu test on an unvaccinated child..
Influenza has arrived. If you haven't yet done so..please get your flu shot or flu mist!
Happy New Year
~Nurse Judy

Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27th update/RSV alert

I hope everyone had a nice holiday and that all the travelers out there have easy trips home.
There is a lot of coughing out there. We have some confirmed cases of RSV..a nasty bronchiolitic sounding cough.
Our littlest patients can have a hard time with this and may end up in the hospital for observaion. Older children simply deal with this aggravating cough and congestion.
If you have a very young baby please avoid crowds and exposure as much as you reasonably can.
We have had plenty of patients with sore throats today. About 25% of them have tested positive for strep throat.
There have been some calls with complaints about loose stools and vomiting.
I am still seeing folks with a moderate fever.. This has lasted about 3 days so far and I do not think it is the actual influenza.
Stay well
~Nurse Judy

Thursday, December 23, 2010


We are seeing a lot of kids with high fevers, conjestion and coughs. So far every one of them has had the flu shot this season.
This means either it is NOT the flu, or the shot is not protecting against this strain. We have not seen any positive flu tests yet, so likely it is just a nasty virus/ not the flu, but I will keep you in the loop as I get more data.
We are in the office Friday morning only for acute care visits, so if you want and need to be seen before the weekend call EARLY.
Happy and Healthy holidays!
~Nurse Judy

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


If you have one of our rental/loaner nebulizers and your child is not actively needing it, please return it to the office this week.
We charge a nominal fee per night to borrow a machine, but please note that you can buy a new one at Walgreens ( with a prescription) for less than $75 and your insurance may cover it. If you child has had more than one episode of wheezing, I think it is worthwhile to buy one. It may save you an emegency room visit one day

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20th/travel tips

We are seeing a lot of ear infections this week.
Many kids have some fever and there are a few cases of vomiting kids around.
Dr Kaplan wanted to pass along some info on a Soocer injury prevention clinic in Mission Bay on Januaury 5th 2011 5:30-7:00PM.
call 318-8138 for more info.
Many of our families are traveling this month.
It is always a wise idea to scope out the options for seeking local medical care before you go anywhere.
Travel with tylenol or Ibuprofen.
If you child has a history of wheezing, stop Murphy's law in its tracks by bringing your nebulizer and medications along with you.
Find out in advance...
*What kind of insurance do you have and what will be your best bet for reimbursement?
*Do you have friend's or family with a local pediatrician who is willing to see a traveling patient?
*Where is the closest travel clinic or ER?

If your child seems ill while you are traveling, We are always happy to advise you by phone and help you decide if your child needs to be seen or not.

Stay well and have healthy holidays..
Thanks to everyone for the lovely photos cards and treats that we have recieved this month!!
~Nurse Judy

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14th

This week I have an several folks complaining of sharp and gassy stomach pains.
Any severe stomach ache that seems steady as opposed to more intermittent should be checked on.
We are also starting to see achy kids with fevers...Flu??? Perhaps it is starting.
We are seeing some hand foot mouth lingering.
We still have the never ending colds and coughs, but more children seemed a bit wheezy today.
Stay well

Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10th 2010

For mid December it is fairly quiet.
We have seen some cases of hand foot mouth going around.
There are plenty of colds and coughs and a smattering of strep throat.
I still don't think I have seen any actual cases of flu yet this season, but I do suggest getting the flu shot if you haven't yet. The actual flu is NO fun at all if you get it. It almost always comes along with high fevers, aches, chills and congestion. The H1N1 last year also had a tummy component.
On a completely different track.....If anyone is looking for babysitters from now until the end of the year, my college age daughter ( home on break)is a wonderful sitter and is available for occasional days or evenings. Leave a comment if you want more info
Enjoy the upcoming sunshine this weekend and stay well
Nurse Judy