Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nurse Judy Classes in January

I will be doing ALL of my classes in January

Solids foods class (this class generally repeats every other month)
January 7th 10:45 am (Saturday morning)
This class is geared for parents of children from 4 months until 15 months. It covers all the aspects of starting solids, nutritional information and tips for picky toddler eaters

Parenting class ( I do this class once or twice a year)
January 11th 7:30 PM ( Wednesday evening)
This class is geared for parents of children over the age of 2 through 7 (although the tips are ageless)
We deal with all sorts of creative problem solving for typical behavior issues, rewards and consequences

Illness class (This class generally repeats every other month)
January 14th 10am ( Saturday morning)
This class is appropriate for all parents
Recognize and learn what are appropriate levels of concern and how to deal with a wide range of illnesses. We will discuss fevers, rashes, coughs and colds, tummy bugs and common viral syndromes

Safety class ( this class generally repeats every other month)
January 25th 7:45 pm ( Wednesday)
This class is appropriate for all parents
Accident prevention and dealing with emergencies. We will cover head injuries, burns, poisonings, pet safety, child proofing, CHOKING RESCUE

Classes are held in the noe valley pediatrics waiting room
$20/per person sliding scale available

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27th 2011

The virus RSV is rampant. All of the kids we have tested for it in the office this week have had positive tests.
RSV stands for respiratory syncytial Virus and is a nasty bug that is most common during the winter months. It causes lots of congestion, a wet wheezy cough and some fever.
If your child is wheezy they should be evaluated. Unfortunately there is no magic for this virus. In some cases we are using the nebulizer to help us open up the little airways. Steam, humidifiers, keeping heads elevated and getting lots of fluids are other tools.
If your child has been diagnosed with RSV we are very interested in their mood and their ability to eat.

We know of several cases of pertussis out there as well.
Pertussis will be more of a dry cough that comes with coughing fits that can last for several minutes. Some can lead to vomiting. Not all of the coughs have the characteristic whooping sound.
Pertussis and RSV are much more of a concern with our youngest patients.

We have had some positive strep throats.
There is still a tummy bug out there with vomiting and diarrhea. This has been usually gone within 48 hours, but the diarrhea will linger if you go back to a normal diet too quickly.

Many of the viruses we are seeing have splotchy rashes as part of the package.

With all the illnesses out there, I actually don't think that the classic influenza has arrived yet. There is still time to get shots if you haven't yet.
Stay well and Happy new year.
We will be closed next Monday

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday update December 19th

We are seeing a lot of everything today without any major focus.
The biggest issue is probably the coughing patients. I have quite a few with croupy coughs ( who are mostly doing okay.)
We also have quite a few kids who are wheezing.The nebulizers have been humming along for most of the morning.
If you have a coughing child who has any labored breathing they should be evaluated. It is not the sound of the cough as much as how the respirations look, when figuring out if they need to be seen or not.
We have lots of strep throat out there.
Some random fevers
Some random rashes
For all of you who are planning to travel by plane this holiday, I strongly suggest having tylenol with you on the plane ( and more diapers than you think you will need)
I will check back in if there are any exciting changes.Otherwise Happy and healthy holidays!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14th

It is hard to believe it is mid December.
With the upcoming holidays, our office will be closed on Monday December 26 and Monday January 2nd.
As always, if you have questions or concerns after hours please contact the Pediatric Referral group at 387-9293
This week we are seeing lots of fevers, some of them are accompanied by a spotty rash and vomiting.
We are also seeing a short, but relatively nasty virus that has both vomiting and diarrhea.

My next solids foods class with be held Saturday morning January 7th at 10:45 am here in the office
I am also planning on doing one of the "parenting pearls" workshops soon. This group is for parents with kids who are at least two. I will talk about problem solving techniques for all sorts of behavior issues.If you are interested in either class please let me know.
Stay well

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5th

We are mostly seeing the basic winter stuff going around, lots of colds and coughs

I am seeing a spotty rash with a mid grade fever going around.
We also have seen some Chicken pox out there. I have 2 confirmed cases and one more that looks suspicious. One of the kids is fully vaccinated, the others are too young.

We have a fairly mild tummy thing runny around. This one has a day of vomiting, with soft stinky stools. One patient did end up in the emergency room for IV hydration.

Stay well
Nurse Judy