Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekly update June 25th

This week the most calls were about a diarrhea virus that went through quite a few of our families.
There was not a lot of vomiting with this and luckily it seemed to be the 24 hour brand.

We are still talking to patients with HFM virus, Check out my newest blog post ( on the Nurse Judy blog) for how to deal with that.
Most of the kids this go round have had a fairly mild version and we have NOT needed to see them.

There are also lots of random rashes.
Some kids are ill with several days of fever.
We are seeing lots of conjunctivitis

I do have spots in my illness class tomorrow evening. Email nursejudynvp@gmail.com to sign up

Stay well

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday update June 17th

We seem to be finally in the "summer season".
Kids are still getting sick here and there, but the acute care phone calls are way down.
We are keeping very busy with well child exams, but it is a nice change to have some of those winter ailments ease up.

My most common call today was all about gooey eyes. My most recent blog post addresses this for the youngest patients. For the older kids, gooey/ pink eyes can be viral, allergic or bacterial. If your child is in a daycare situation, they may want you to have your child evaluated to make sure they aren't contagious.

I am also getting some calls about hand/foot/mouth virus. So far none of the kids have anything more than a mild case, but it certainly seems that it is back in town.

Stay well,


Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday update June 10th

Things are a bit mellower as far as illnesses this week.
Most of my morning calls were about various rashes. I imagine that the hot weather this past weekend had something to do with it.

I have several kids with conjunctivitis.
A few calls have come in about loose stools

We are mostly busy with checkups.

Summer time is always our busiest check up season. Please call us at least 4 weeks in advance for the best selection of appointment slots.
Forms that are filled out at an exam have no form fee.

Dr Anne will be returning from her maternity leave next month.
She will be back Tuesdays and Fridays starting July 2nd.

Stay well.
~Nurse Judy

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday update June 3rd/Costco Organic berry recall

Whenever you see a head-line about a public health concern you can be sure that my phones will be ringing like crazy.
If you haven't heard, the news today is that there is an outbreak of Hepatitis A associated with Townsend Farm Organic Antioxident Blend Frozen Berry Mix.
So far 30 cases have been reported in 5 states, including Calilfornia. ( none in San Francisco yet)

This product is popular in Cost-co, but also sold in other stores.

Early signs of Hepatitis A appear 2-6 weeks after the exposure. Symptoms commonly include mild fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, right upper quadrant pain, dark urine and jaundice.

If you or your child has had even one of the 2 series Hepatitis A vaccine, they are not considered to be at risk.
Hepatits A vaccine can prevent the illness if given within 2 weeks of the exposure, so if your child has not been vaccinated please call to get that scheduled.

Children can get the vaccine once they have reached their first birthday.

Young children often don't seem to get as ill from the Hepatitis A as  the adults, but if  your child has been exposed to the tainted berries and shows any sign of illness, please call us ASAP.

If you have further questions, the public health department has a hotline number that you can call 701-2311

In terms of the normal illness flow....
We are seeing plenty of allergy symptoms and an assortment of odd rashes.

Stay well.