Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Feb 18th/nebulizers

For mid February it seems like a comparatively mild winter so far.
We continue to have a lot of wheezy coughers. ( interesting..the spell check would like to change this to cougars)
Our loaner nebulizers are all out.
If you have one and your child no longer needs it, please get it back to the office.
On the other hand, if you have had one for over a week it may be wise to consider owning one.
We currently work with a company called care connections. We keep several of their machines here for purchase. If you take one of those machines, care connection will bill your insurance. Worst case scenario would be an out of pocket fee of $99.

Just because your child is wheezing does NOT mean they have asthma. Often little airways get inflammation from a viral syndrome. Hopefully they will grow out of that tendency.

Regardless, once they have shown that they can get wheezy, having your own nebulizer tucked in the back of a closet can save you from potential midnight visits to the ER.

Stay well
~Nurse Judy

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