Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday update for January 30th 2012

The tummy bug is still my biggest offender this week.
We have dozens of patients and parents afflicted with this one.
You can expect a few days of vomiting and diarrhea. Some patients have fever with it.

There is a cough and cough making the rounds as well. We are still seeing RSV. The wheezers abound and we have our nebulizers humming in all of the exam rooms throughout the day in here.
There are lots of older kids with sore throats. About half of them are strep.

stay well

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday January 23rd /solid foods class scheduled

The Tummy bug is really making the rounds.
This one is several days of vomiting with diarrhea.
Many of the parents are getting this as well and some of the kids have spotty, blotchy rashes as part of the package.
We are seeing lots of strep throat
The coughing seems to be back. We are still seeing the RSV virus.
I have heard some reports from ER's that there have been some flu tests positive for type A, but I am not considering the flu "season" to have made it's presence felt yet.

My next solid foods class will be held on February 11th at 10:45 am
email to reserve a spot.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday january 17th/ Yikes!!!

I am not sure if it was due to the 3 day weekend or the volume of sick kids, but today was nuts in here. ( the little power outage this morning did not help)
We are seeing lots of strep throat.
There seems to be a high fever with a congested cough ( I think Viral)
The stomach bug is still very active. Warning Warning, quite of few of the parents are coming down with this one. ( also likely viral)
Many of the kids with the tummy bug also have an odd spotty rash.
I believe I am seeing some cases of slap cheek.
I know of at least one case of chicken pox out there

If something is viral, there is less of a chance that we can do anything other than assist you in offering supportive care.
With fussy kids we do like to listen to the lungs and look in their ears just to be sure.

With winter illnesses in full swing we appreciate your patience.
The wait for a phone call might be longer than usual.
Please let the front desk know if there is any urgency involved.
Although the schedule was full early on I have double booked a few patients who I felt needed to be seen. Of course that unfortunately makes the waits a bit longer for everyone and for that I apologize.

Winter is got here right before the rain....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

three day weekend

The office will be closed in honor of MLK birthday (so no one get sick)
The after hours clinic is available for you if you need it.

If there are any patients out there who have grown out of their nebulizers and you want to declutter your house, we would be happy to put them in our "loaner" neb closet.
Enjoy this weather while it lasts
I will check in on Tuesday with an update of what is going around

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9th 2012

The coughs seem to be quieting down a bit this week.
There are lots of kids with the mild tummy bug out there. It seems to clear within a few days on the tummy bug protocol
*avoid dairy except for breast milk or yogurt
*BRAT diet..bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, crackers, pasta, boiled chicken...bland and starchy mild foods
Probiotics are very helpful
Stay hydrated with pedialyte, gatorade, coconut water
Dehydrated kids are really low energy and not peeing...those kids need to be seen. Otherwise small sips of fluids until the vomiting stops and then slowly advance the diet. We are not worried if they are off of their food for a few days, it is all about the fluids.

We are also seeing lots of strep throat. Typically these kids have fevers without congestion.

I am also seeing plenty of ear infections and goopy eyes.

Stay well
Nurse Judy

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New year

2012 is starting off with the same illnesses right where we left off.
There is still RSV sweeping the neighborhood.
We are seeing all sorts of coughs, colds and fevers.
Many of the colds have led to ear infections.
There are lots of kids ( and parents) with sore throats, about half of them are strep positive.
There is a tummy bug out there but it is pretty mild and has lasted about a day or two.
Stay well,
Nurse judy