Tuesday, April 17, 2012

lots of hand foot mouth

I didn't add hand foot mouth to yesterday's post and it certainly deserves a mention.
It is actually making the news this week with word that a nastier than usual strain is floating around.
Most of our patients who have it are dealing well with fairly moderate cases( not to say they aren't miserable..but they are avoiding the need to go to the ER)
The cases we are seeing have LOTS of spots on the butt, scattered blisters on feet and hands ( sometimes elsewhere on the body), fevers and mouth sores.
Sometimes we can't easily see the mouth sores, but the kids are fussy and don't want to eat normally. It is worth taking a look in the mouth to see what's what.
Fussy kids may need round the clock tylenol/ advil to keep them comfortable enough to stay hydrated. For those refusing oral meds, a tylenol suppository comes in very handy.
Cool creamy and soft foods are generally tolerated the best.
For kids over a year 1/2 teaspoon of benedryl mixed with 1/2 teaspoon Maalox squirted in the mouth( okay to swallow) is helpful for mouth pain.
Glyoxide is also great for any mouth lesions ( OTC from any drugstore)

Oatmeal baths and calamine lotion are fine to do as well.
Feel free to call me if you are worried about your child...

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