Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29th update

We are super busy in here today.

There are lots of coughs and colds around. The coughs are lingering for weeks. Many of my parents are ill with this one.

We are seeing lots of croup.
Most kids will be okay with steam and some outside air.
If you child still has air hunger after a good dose of steam, then you do want to take them over to the ER. We have had a handful of kids who have needed a shot of steroids to calm things down.

I have lots of kids with fevers that are lasting 4-5 days. The kids do NOT look too sick.
At day 5 I will be bringing them in for an evaluation if the fever hasn't gone.

There are quite a few cases of diarrhea starting up.

We had a few cases of strep throat reported through the weekend clinic.

Safe trick or treating out there!!


Monday, October 22, 2012

and rainy season is here...

We are loaded with sick kids and families this week.

The biggest complaint I dealt with today is a cough and cold. This viral syndrome has started with a mild fever ( 101 ish) for a few days. The fever goes away, but the cough has been lingering for several weeks.

I have had lots of croup out there as well.

There are reports that RSV is here in the community.
RSV stands for respiratory syncitial virus and it is your basic NASTY cold and cough. The cough has a harsh barky quality to it and there is plenty of congestion as well.

Last week we had lots of kids with vomiting and diarrhea, That seems a bit quieter this week so far.

We have lots of odd blotchy rashes. Most of these are likely viral. If the rash comes along with a fever check in with us.

There were lots of Pink eye cases today. Younger kids with goopy eyes often have ear infections, so if they are pre verbal and fussy, I will likely want to take a look.

I have one child with mouth sores and a blotchy rash. Hand/ foot / mouth has been quiet lately, but I will let you know if more cases start showing up.

Stay well

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Drop In Flu Clinic TODAY 9:30-12:30

If you can make it, we are in the office NOW giving flu vaccines to Noe Valley Peds patients and their families. No appointment necessary, just drop in between now and 12:30 for your flu shot/mist.
If you can't make it in today, our regular flu vaccine hours are Tues/Wed/Thurs between 10-11:30 and 2-4pm. Just call the office (641-1019) the morning of the day you'd like to come in (we open at 9am and have a limited number of appointments for vaccines.)
Hope to see all of you for vaccines soon.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vomiting, Croup and Elmo

We have been talking with a lot of parents caring for kids with vomiting and diarrhea! Some with fever, some without. Remember to monitor for dehydration (dry lips and mouth, infrequent urination, low energy.) A dehydrated kid is not happy and playful - but if you are unsure give a call and we can discuss.

There are also a lot of croupy coughs out there. Remember, the first few nights are always the worst! But if your child is having difficulty breathing - usually a few minutes in the cooler night air will help. Some kids have had to be evaluated at the ER, so don't hesitate to call the advice line if you think your child is having trouble breathing.

Finally, there is a warning about a SF sighting of a man dressed as Elmo who is known to shout obscenities and anti-Semitic remarks. He is well known in New York and was reported in Rossi Park last Saturday. Read the following link and please call the non-emergency police line if you see him. This is a useful phone # to have programmed in your cell phones!

SF Non-Emergency Situations - 415-553-0123

Judy is back next week!

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8th update

We still have quite a few patients with a high fever/ congestion illness. This has been lasting 4-5 days. Many of the parents have been quite miserable with this as well.
So far, although it seems quite flu like, it is NOT testing positive for the real deal Influenza.

We have some cases of strep throat, but most of the sore throats out there are testing negative. ( and sore throats abound!!!)
For the patients over one year of age, I do really like Honey Loquat syrup ( you can get it from whole foods) It is very soothing. For the older kids, gargling with salt water is also very useful.

I am still seeing lots of blotchy rashes and bug bites.

I am seeing a few patients with loose stools.

Last week I had a few cases of croup. (The kids wake up during the night with a seal like, barky cough)

If you are still not protected for the upcoming season, We do have our drop in flu shot clinic scheduled on October 20th 9:30-12:30 for our patients and families.

Stay well,


Monday, October 1, 2012

October already?

There is a pretty high fever making the rounds. Many of the kids have some coughs and congestion with this. The fever is hanging on for four or five days in some cases.
Please check in with us for any fever lasting 3 days or longer.

I also have quite a few cases of pretty severe wheezing. One of our patients had such a rough time getting clear that she was admitted.
Any time you have a child who is struggling with their breathing I especially want to have them looked at.

We have all sorts of blotchy rashes, Some seem to be bites, others may be part of a virus.
For those of you who have not taken my illness class, Here is a review of Nurse Judy's Rash Rules..

Rashes fall into one of two categories.
Rashes I am worried about vs rashes I am curious about.
I am worried if we have a child who seems ill, if the rash comes along with a high fever, if the rash is purplish and doesn't get lighter when pressed, or if the rash is oozy and crusty.

All of those need an appointment. (A purplish rash that comes with a fever could be a sign of meningitis and needs Urgent attention. These kids will appear very ill.)

All of the other blotchy, spotty rashes out there make us curious.
They could be viral, or bites, or food related, or a new detergent.
Feel free to give us a call or send us a photo, but more often than not we will take the wait and see approach and only see you in the office if things are getting worse, your child is bothered by the rash, or it seems really stuck.

I still do not have any documented cases of influenza yet.
We will be doing another flu shot clinic on October 20th in the morning.

I still have some spots in my solid foods class on Wednesday evening.

Enjoy this warm weather while it lasts
