Monday, October 22, 2012

and rainy season is here...

We are loaded with sick kids and families this week.

The biggest complaint I dealt with today is a cough and cold. This viral syndrome has started with a mild fever ( 101 ish) for a few days. The fever goes away, but the cough has been lingering for several weeks.

I have had lots of croup out there as well.

There are reports that RSV is here in the community.
RSV stands for respiratory syncitial virus and it is your basic NASTY cold and cough. The cough has a harsh barky quality to it and there is plenty of congestion as well.

Last week we had lots of kids with vomiting and diarrhea, That seems a bit quieter this week so far.

We have lots of odd blotchy rashes. Most of these are likely viral. If the rash comes along with a fever check in with us.

There were lots of Pink eye cases today. Younger kids with goopy eyes often have ear infections, so if they are pre verbal and fussy, I will likely want to take a look.

I have one child with mouth sores and a blotchy rash. Hand/ foot / mouth has been quiet lately, but I will let you know if more cases start showing up.

Stay well

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