Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday May 29th/ looking for medical assistant

Sorry for the missed week, I was out of town and things in the office were hectic!

Do check out the new website
The old Brown and Toland site still shows up if you simply google us, the more people who go to the actual site the better, Maybe the Google Gods will start sending people in the right direction.

The new website is still a work in progress,  your comments have been helpful.
We are still happy to get the photos of our beautiful patients.
Email them to nvpeds@gmail.com

We have been very busy the past couple of weeks.
The allergies are driving folks nuts. The wheezers out there have been wheezing and the nebulizers have been humming along in many of the exam rooms.

We have seen all sorts of odd rashes. Some kids have had little lesions that have looked an awful lot like chicken pox, but these kids have been vaccinated and are acting well, so I don't think that is what is going on.

We have a few kids with very persistent loose stools.
We are starting to send little samples to the labs for clues.
Some patients are also vomiting

We have a bunch of kids with several days of fevers. At day# 3 we are starting to bring them in to take a look. So far it seems like there are just lots of little viruses floating around.

I have a couple of kids with gooey eyes.

On a different topic. Our excellent medical assistant Rosa will be moving along on her career path. We will be posting an ad for a new medical assistant this week, but I thought I would put it out there.
If anyone know anyone looking for that type of position, send me an email!!

My next blog post will be all about tick bites. ( will be up on Friday)
You can access the Nurse Judy Blog from the website.

Have a good week

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