Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday update/ August 19th

Many of our patients are back in school today. It seems so early!
Most of our patients seem reasonably well this week ( I am knocking on wood)

This morning in my pile of Monday charts the big winner was.....diarrhea.
There were half a dozen or so babies with very frequent stools who seem to be otherwise well.

We had one patient in the office with Hand Foot Mouth ( there is rarely just one...stay tuned)
We are still very booked up with well child checkups

I just did a blog post on this season's Flu Vaccine ( check the nurse judy blog for that one) but for the rest of the season, this will be where you should check for your flu updates.
I will keep you in the loop with vaccine availability as well as any other relevant Flu info.

Currently we have the Flu mist in stock.
This is the live vaccine that is given into the nose.
It is indicated for anyone over the age of two.

As soon as we get our injectable vaccine I will let you know.
Be Well,

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