Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Update October 28th/ Costume photos/safety class

Towards the end of last week and continuing today we are seeing a lot of kids with upset stomachs, Most of these also have diarrhea.
They seem to be very crampy. ( a bit more cramp complaints than I usually see with this)
This passes after a few days.

I have heard from some of the parents that the day cares are seeing some Hand Foot Mouth.
I have NOT seen much of that in the office yet.

We are seeing lots of kids with coughs, colds and croup.

I do have space in my upcoming safety class Wednesday evening at 7:30.
We will review choking rescue, poisons, burns, general child proofing tips, head injuries, pet safety..
You name it....
Classes are $20/ person. sliding scale.
RSVP required

Remember that we have our next Flu shot clinic on Saturday morning November 9th.
I am looking forward to seeing our little patients in costume.
I will be posting photos on the web site ( no names of course)
If you would like to have your little star as part of our gallery, come by and let us snap a picture or email us your best shot to

Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

get rid of expired meds/ parenting class/ Halloween

This upcoming Saturday is a national expired medication give back.
It is important to routinely clear out your medicine cabinet and getting rid of old medications can be a challenge. You do NOT want to dump them down the drain.

This coming Wednesday evening October 26th, I do have some space in my parenting workshop.
In this fun two hour workshop I talk about effective rewards, consequences, bed time and meal time challenges, tantrums, problem solving etc.
Full info at
Wait until your child is over 2 for this class.
To RSVP email me at

Is your child going to be in a costume this week? We are going to add a special Halloween gallery to the new website.
If you are in or near the office in costume and would let us post  a photo ( no names will be  used of course) come by and let us snap some shots( the kind that don't hurt!)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday October 21st

We are seeing a lot of mild/moderate illnesses.
There are lots of congested kids with colds and coughs. The coughs have been lasting and lasting.
Some of the patients are wheezy.

There are plenty of kids with a couple of days of moderate fevers.

If the high fevers come at the same time as a deep cough, your child should be seen.

I am getting some calls about kids with tummy aches...some of those have had some loose stools, and others have done some vomiting. There is no real pattern to this yet.

I am still seeing some mild slap cheek around.

If you haven't gotten your flu shot yet and the week day appointments are hard, we will be doing our next Flu shot clinic on Saturday November 9th from 9:00 appointment needed.
This is for Noe Valley Pediatric patients and families only.

Stay well

Nurse Judy

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday update October 14th/ flu shot clinic

We will be doing another Saturday on Saturday November 9th from 9:00 am until noon.
If you miss the last one, you have another chance.
If this is the first year that your baby is getting the flu vaccine, they do need to get two doses.
The doses need to be at least 4 weeks apart.

We don't seem to have any actual flu around here yet. We have tested a few kids who presented looking fairly miserable, but the tests came back negative.
 I have heard that some strep throat is around, but we haven't seen much of it in here.

We are seeing tons of kids with a cough/ cold/ fever. The coughs are fairly harsh and seem to be lingering for a few weeks.

I also am still seeing some slap cheek.

Stay well,
Nurse Judy

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7th Monday update

We had 85 folks in taking advantage of the flu shot clinic on Saturday
We will try to schedule another one later in the season, I will update here when the date is chosen.
In the meantime, we are doing flu shots Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Call in the morning for a same day appointment. There is a limit to how many we can do in one day, so bear with us.

The phones are very busy today.
Most of the complaints are cold and cough related. The coughs are hanging on for a couple of weeks.
We are also seeing many kids who are wheezing.
Labored breathing is what makes me worried about a cough.
Ask your child to take a great big deep breath in and out. If that deep breath triggers a coughing attack, there could be some inflammation and wheezing going on.

I am also getting lots and lots of calls about kids with diarrhea and vomiting.
The vomiting is usually resolving after a day, but the loose stools are hanging on a bit longer.
Check out last weeks post for the link to the tummy bug blog post.

I think that we are starting to see slap cheek.
I spoke to quite a few families today who have suspicious symptoms.
This virus will have red chappy cheeks, a lacy rash up and down the body and sometime a high fever.
All of the symptoms can come and go.

There are a ton of kids with all sorts of odd rashes.
 Thanks to the warm weather the bugs were having a picnic on all of my sweet little patients.
Many of the kids with bites seem like they have gotten some hives that are hanging around for a day or so. They seem quite fine otherwise.

Stay well