Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday October 21st

We are seeing a lot of mild/moderate illnesses.
There are lots of congested kids with colds and coughs. The coughs have been lasting and lasting.
Some of the patients are wheezy.

There are plenty of kids with a couple of days of moderate fevers.

If the high fevers come at the same time as a deep cough, your child should be seen.

I am getting some calls about kids with tummy aches...some of those have had some loose stools, and others have done some vomiting. There is no real pattern to this yet.

I am still seeing some mild slap cheek around.

If you haven't gotten your flu shot yet and the week day appointments are hard, we will be doing our next Flu shot clinic on Saturday November 9th from 9:00 appointment needed.
This is for Noe Valley Pediatric patients and families only.

Stay well

Nurse Judy

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