Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday update April 21st

 I hope all of our families who celebrate the Spring holidays had a happy Easter and/or Passover.

There certainly seems to be a ton of illness going around.

We are continuing to see quite a bit of Hand/Foot/ Mouth

The most noteworthy thing this morning was the huge numbers of calls about very high fevers.
Some of the kids were actually up in the 104-105 range. These are no kidding around fevers.

I am still watching most of these folks to see what is going on and how long it is lasting.
So far some of the kids are on the third day. The fever comes and goes and comes along with a bit of general rashiness.

It could be that we are starting to see some Slap Cheek around. That virus will sometimes cause these super high temps

We are also seeing quite a bit of Conjuntivitis.

There is also some vomiting and lots of coughing.
There is Whooping Cough out in the community.

As you can imagine the phones were totally nuts all day.
I sat down at my desk at 8:30 and was on the phone absolutely non stop until I looked up and it was already 1:00.
Poor Nurse Judy didn't have a chance to go out and get her coffee!

Thanks to all of you for your patience with the Monday phones and busy signals.

Stay healthy!
~Nurse Judy

For any moms out there looking for a good cause I am adding this info below

There’s still time to join Moms In Training – the new program offered by Team In Training and benefiting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! With teams forming across SF, East Bay, North Bay and South Bay, these incredible moms have already raised over $12,000.  If you ore a friend is interested in participating in the See Jane Run Stroller Stride 5k, sign up for Moms In Training today! 

:: Susan Parish | Campaign Director, Recruitment & Team Development | Team In Training
:: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Greater Bay Area Chapter | 221 Main Street, Suite 1650, San Francisco, CA 94105:: ph. 415.625.1138| VOIP 1138 | |


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