Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekly update October 13th

We are seeing a variety of illnesses.
Most of the calls related to a viral high fever making the rounds. This is lasting 4-5 days. The kids have mild congestion and a dry cough. The fever typically responds well to the meds
I am okay playing the wait and see game with them as long as they look fine. On day five of fever, they need to be checked on

*There have been more calls about some vomiting/diarrhea.
Keep them hydrated

*There are quite a few kids with fairly severe wheezing. These folks need to be seen 

*There are lots of kids with ear infections and conjunctivitis

*There are lots of bug bites that are causing local reactions.
First step for these is Zyrtec and compressing (a black tea bag make s a great compress)

This is a good time of year to check out your medicine cabinet and make sure you have appropriate medications for the upcoming cold and Flu season.
If you have expired medications, this week's blog post can direct you to where you can get rid of them.

We are expecting 200 flu mist doses this week and 80 doses of the baby flu shots, with more on the way.
They are semi promising ( I will believe it when I see it) the rest of our vaccine by November 1st.

I am not going to schedule the weekend clinic until we actually have the vaccine, but feel free to call the office for same day shot or mist appointments later in the week.

Stay well,

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