Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekly update January 26,2015

We are still seeing the flu, but not is the same crazy numbers that we were seeing 2 weeks ago.
We still have a ton of kids with high fever, vomiting and coughing but they are not coming up positive with the flu test in the office.
I also have seen a huge number of kids with ear infections so far today.

To nobody's surprise we are getting a lot of calls about measles.
We have not seen any cases in SF so far. If you are traveling and your child is not fully vaccinated, feel free to call to discuss getting your child protected.

and with all the illnesses going around,here is one more useful post

One of our parents told us about a terrific resource out in the community.
The Anahata Integated healing Center in SF is offering Yoga classes for kids that focus on self regulation and impulse control.
For more information call 720-833-8016

Stay healthy!!

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