Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time is the great healer

We have lots of kids with colds/ coughs and fevers.
Much of the time these symptoms are caused by a virus and will at some point go away on their own.
We are limited in what we can offer in terms of treating a viral syndrome. Antibiotics will not help. We generally rely on supportive care..fluids, steam, elevating the head, suctioning the nose.
Some of our parents report getting relief from Chinese herbs from the Chinese Medicine works.

Sometimes what starts as a virus can turn into something treatable...all that fluid in the head is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

When we have a child who has congestion, be on the lookout for increased fussiness, a cough that is getting deeper or a fever that is lasting for more than 3 or 4 days.
these symptoms may be worth an office visit.

Fussy congested kids may have an ear infection. Dr Anne says she has seen tons of them this week!
No one here is eager to give antibiotics and some mild ear infections may in fact go away on their own, but knowledge is always a good thing. Decisions about whether or not to can be made thoughtfully.

On a completely different subject...there is a herd of goats happily munching on the bushes at the bottom of Clarendon avenue.. They will likely be there all week if you are looking for something free and fun to do with your kids
Stay well!
~Nurse Judy

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