Friday, April 9, 2010

Roto virus information

A couple of calls today about the Rota virus vaccination. We only use the Merck- RotaTeq for our clients so _no need to worry_ about the vaccination recall on the Rotarix product- here is the statement from the FDA-

Rotarix Vaccine: Update to Clinicians and Public Health Professionals

[Posted 03/22/2010] FDA is recommending that healthcare professionals temporarily suspend the use of Rotarix, a vaccine used to prevent rotavirus disease. FDA’s recommendation is a precaution taken while the agency learns more about the situation.

FDA has learned that DNA from porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) is present in Rotarix. PCV1 is not known to cause disease in humans. There is no evidence at this time that this finding poses a safety risk. Because available evidence supports the safety of Rotarix, no medical follow-up is needed for patients who have been vaccinated with Rotarix.

There are two licensed vaccines for rotavirus in the United States: RotaTeq and Rotarix. For children who have received one dose of Rotarix, CDC advises that clinicians can complete the series with RotaTeq for the next two doses.

What is Rota-virus??
Bad, bad diarrhea/vomiting illness. Small babies dehydrate quickly, so we like for them to be protected in their first year.

Let me write again- we do not use Rotarix in our office.


Nurse Charity

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