Monday, June 14, 2010

Mid June Update

Good Morning,
We have a report from the upper Noe Valley playground that there has been a visiting cat in the sand box.
They are dealing with this and you can check out
We have had a few patients with spots that could be caused by flea bites...tis the season. Ever if you don't have pets in your house, your child can get bitten from being in a sandbox or sitting in the grass.

We also have a couple of cases of what appears to be our old friend the Hand foot mouth virus.
That nasty viral fever is still around, causing fussy kids with on and off fevers for about 4 or 5 days. Some kids are having mild tummy ailments with or without fevers.

Lots of fairly mild but persistent cold symptoms have rounded out the calls this morning.

Stay well
~Nurse Judy


Molly Sterkel said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Molly Sterkel said...

I tried to delete my first comment and replace it with this one (If your site administrator knows how to do it... feel free to delete my first attempt!!)

Here's what I should have said:

The Friends of Noe Valley Rec Center newsletter discusses cat poop being found in the sand box, but we haven't definitely heard of fleas. I can understand why people may have come up with that idea because there was cat poop found twice in two months in the sand box at the Noe Valley Rec Center. And a cat visitor could leave poop as well as fleas I suppose.

Anyway, here is our article here in the June 2010 Newsletter:

The update explains what we know and what is being done about it byt the City. The good news is that regardless of whether there is cat poop (or perhaps fleas) in the sandbox, the City is trying to prioritize getting new sand for that sand box. Even with new sand -- it will still be a public, outdoor sandbox, and people should always practice handwashing, etc.

We will be happy to put Noe Valley Pediatrics, or any concerned parents in touch with the City Park and Rec staff in charge of the park. Our website has all the contact information.


noevalleypediatrics said...

thanks Molly for being on top of all of this!