Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday October 17th

Today my most frequent complaint is nasty sounding cough.
Many of the kids have a wet cough and others are croupy.

Coughs can sound awful and be fairly benign. Our biggest task is to figure out if it is an Upper airway cough or one that is down in the lungs.
Upper airway coughs can often sound very wet and junky, but the breathing seems okay.
The most important question is " Are the respiration s labored?"
When your child is calm, lift up the shirt and watch them breathe for a bit.
If it seems like the breathing is rapid, with the tummy going in a out and any retractions ( the little hollows at the base of the throat or between the ribs sucking in during inspiration) I would consider that breathing to be labored and I would want to have someone check them out.
If the breathing looks normal I am way less concerned about the cough.
We also still have hand foot mouth going around, but this week the patients have been more unfortunate and have way more mouth sores.
Please check out the earlier post about tips on dealing with this.

We are still seeing all sorts of odd rashes.

If you or your child need the flu shot still, we have our flu shot clinic coming up next Saturday morning!
Stay well and enjoy this lovely weather while it lasts
Nurse Judy

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