Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday update July 16th

The most prevalent illness we dealt with today is croup. We are seeing lots of coughs with fevers. I also have some possible cases of Roseola out there. Those are the mystery high fevers with the not so sick kids that end up with a rash once the fever goes away. We have had quite a few kids with burns from the BBQ. PLEASE be careful about that. We have had lots of seasonal bug bites as well as ticks. If you are doing any camping or hiking you may want to have a tick removal tool with you ( that you can get from any sporting goods store) I recommend doing a head to toe check ( including the hair) after any woody or grassy outing. We have been having very full schedules in here. If you have any last minute checkups for back to school or camp forms please call sooner than later to get those appointments set up. Stay well Judy

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