Tuesday, September 11, 2012

General update 9/11

There are a lot of illnesses out there.

We are seeing a fever/cough that has been lasting about 4 days. The fever has been less than 102.

There are quite a few patients with nausea/vomiting. (some have a low fever), once the vomiting subsides along come the loose stools that hang on for 3-5 days.

There are lots of coughing kids around, some wheezing

Strep throat is around as well.

After a fairly quiet summer I am getting lots of calls about head lice.
We do have a fairly comprehensive head lice treatment guide that we will be happy to email you, but there is also a new prescription lice treatment out there called sklice if our plan A doesn't work.

It is also heavy tick season.
If you are out in any wooded areas please check yourselves and children from head to toe for ticks.

West Nile Virus is on the horizon.
Make sure there is no standing water around your house, and make sure your windows are screened!

FLU is not here yet, but we are busily getting folks protected. We will be having a drop in Flu shot clinic on Saturday September 22nd from 9:30 am-12:30pm
Please refer to earlier posts for more details.


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