Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday update January 7th

It is your basic mad house in here.
In other words if your child is sick you have plenty of company.

There are lots of colds and coughs going around. Some of these viral syndromes are accompanied by a moderate fever.
We do have one case of documented Flu type A where the baby did have the first flu shot,but hadn't had his second one yet. That is the only flu shot failure that I know of in our practice so far this season.

I do think we have a few more cases of influenza floating around but we haven't been testing most kids. They haven't been sick enough to be worried about.

Croup is still out there.
Most of the time with Croup the first night is the worst. Get into the shower or pop outside for a bit. The night out often helps the breathing ease.
Having a humidifier at night and keeping fluids flowing will usually make the next few nights much easier.

We are still seeing the same little tummy bug making the rounds. This starts with vomiting and moves along to loose stools the next day.

There are lots of kids with sore throats. No positive strep tests today.

The schedule is very busy. If you are worried about your child and think that you need an appointment please make sure that you call early ( and even then there is no certainly of getting an appointment.)
The nurses are here using our triaging skills to the best of our ability making sure that the kids that need to be seen get the care that they need.

Most of these illnesses can be managed at home. But never hesitate to call. That's what we are here for.
The wait for a call back may be a bit longer this week because the call volume is very high.
If you are very worried, please let the girls at the front desk know, so that we can try to get back to you a bit sooner.

Stay well
Nurse judy

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