Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7th Monday update

We had 85 folks in taking advantage of the flu shot clinic on Saturday
We will try to schedule another one later in the season, I will update here when the date is chosen.
In the meantime, we are doing flu shots Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Call in the morning for a same day appointment. There is a limit to how many we can do in one day, so bear with us.

The phones are very busy today.
Most of the complaints are cold and cough related. The coughs are hanging on for a couple of weeks.
We are also seeing many kids who are wheezing.
Labored breathing is what makes me worried about a cough.
Ask your child to take a great big deep breath in and out. If that deep breath triggers a coughing attack, there could be some inflammation and wheezing going on.

I am also getting lots and lots of calls about kids with diarrhea and vomiting.
The vomiting is usually resolving after a day, but the loose stools are hanging on a bit longer.
Check out last weeks post for the link to the tummy bug blog post.

I think that we are starting to see slap cheek.
I spoke to quite a few families today who have suspicious symptoms.
This virus will have red chappy cheeks, a lacy rash up and down the body and sometime a high fever.
All of the symptoms can come and go.

There are a ton of kids with all sorts of odd rashes.
 Thanks to the warm weather the bugs were having a picnic on all of my sweet little patients.
Many of the kids with bites seem like they have gotten some hives that are hanging around for a day or so. They seem quite fine otherwise.

Stay well

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