Monday, October 20, 2014

Weekly update October 20th

We are seeing a lot of everything.

There are a lot of kids with moderate to high fevers. The kids who are old enough to verbalize also complain about headaches.

One of those kids just ended up with Strep throat, even though her throat wasn't the least bit sore.

There is lots of Strep circulating, so any fever that doesn't have much congestion with it needs to be checked if it is lasting more than a few days.

We are seeing some Roseola, which will end with the fever gone and a rash all over.

Strep may also have a rash, but the fever will be hanging on.
There are lots of kids with colds and coughs.
Some of the patients were seen in the ER this weekend with croup.
Pertussis is circulating. The vaccination is about 80% effective. The good news is that the kids who are vaccinated have been getting fairly mild cases

Hand Foot Mouth is still going around.

One of our patients informed me that there was a dead bird in her neighborhood identified as having West Nile Virus this week, so that is one more thing to keep in mind....and of course there is the
Enterovirus D-68

Our Flu shot situation is improving  a bit.
We have plenty of the Flu Mist and some of the vaccine for the kids under 3.
Hopefully we will actually get the big kid/ adult shots in very soon.
As soon as we have it we will schedule a Saturday morning clinic.

Stay well
~Nurse Judy

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