Friday, January 8, 2010

Thank you

Thank you for the help with the name change!
As we move forward into the winter I will continue to update the blog with things such as the illnesses that we are seeing and anything else that strikes my fancy.

With cough and cold season in full swing, it is sometimes frustrating how limiting our resources are for helping get patients through a nasty virus.
Time is usually the main healer, but there are some things that may help you out along the way.
I really like the Neti Pot, for those of you unfamiliar with it, it is a saline irrigation system widely available at most drug stores.
If you have a congested head, this is a very natural and effective way to get relief.
I have some kids as young as 6 who do it willingly ( believe it or not)
For kids over the age of one I also find Honey Loquat syrup ( available at Whole Foods) very soothing for dry scratchy throats and mild coughs.

Wishing everyone a good weekend
~Nurse Judy

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hi Judy,

Just a suggestion- if you are going to be keeping this blog about different topics aside from the H1N1 vaccine, you may want to categorize your posts, so that if someone is coming here in a year, for example, to see what to do about their child's cough, they could click on the 'cold and cough' category, and this post would be listed, and they would know about a Neti Pot and Honey Loquat syrup. Anyway, just an idea. Love the blog!