Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27th Monday update/ illness class

There are 2 spots left in my August 29th illness class.More info at if you are interested in attending.

This is the kind of day where kids are eating the hand sanitizer and sticking paper up their nose, but in terms of illnesses the biggest culprits are....

*Tummy Bug

I have many kids out there with several days of on and off vomiting and diarrhea. Most of the kids are not appearing too sick with this, but they have very sensitive tummies for a few days.
Get the probiotics started, do the BRAT diet and watch the hydration.
Check out past blogs for more detailed management.

*Coughs and colds

We have lots and lots of kids with coughs and colds. It is not unusual for colds to linger for a week to 10 days.

*Mystery fevers

I have a few kids with fairly high fevers just starting. I want to see anybody with a fever that is lasting more than 3 days


We are giving flu shots Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday
Morning 10-11:30
Afternoon 2-3:45

There is a limit to how many patients we can manage in each time slot.
In an effort to take care of the flu shot needs without negatively impacting our patient flow, we are not doing drop in shots this year. Please call ahead for an appointment.
Stay well!!

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