Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4th Weekly update

School has started and we are seeing a big upswing in the number of illnesses out there.
Here is what seems to be going around

We are seeing some croup ( barky cough at night, mostly okay during the day)
This typically lasts 3 days. Lots of fluids during the day and a humidifier at night are your best bets. If your child seems to be having labored breathing..Sit inside a steamy bathroom for a while, if not clearing head to the ER, the night air often helps a lot and more often that not they are much better before you get there.

There are lots of coughs and colds out there. Many of our kids who have a tendency to get wheezy are having a little flare up.

There seem to be quite a few kids with conjunctivitis.

I have seen quite a few kids with fairly intense vomiting that lasted for less than a day and then was gone. This was NOT associated with diarrhea or fever. it remains a mystery but all the kids are fine now.

We also have had a few cases of diarrhea

There is some strep throat out there. Some of the cases are Strep G that is not picked up by the quick test in the office. ( strep G can be treated with antibiotics if your child feels lousy, but it will go away on its own. We don't feel compelled to treat it the same we we do the Group A strep)

We currently have all forms of the vaccine in stock.
Call to make an appointment to get the shot, or come by our drop in flu clinic on September 22nd from 9:30-12:30 ( this is for Noe Valley Pediatrics families only)

Stay well!


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