Wednesday, September 19, 2012

hand foot mouth is back

I realize that hand foot mouth didn't make the list earlier this week.
Unfortunately this afternoon I have been fielding call after call about it.
It seems to be going through quite a few day cares out there.
Some of the kids have very spotty butts and seem reasonably well otherwise,
Some poor kids seem to be having a lot of mouth pain and are quite miserable.

Time fixes this virus. Your goal is to keep your little one hydrated.
A dehydrated child will have very low energy, decreased urine output and not a lot of tears or drool. They seem dry and droopy.

If you are worried about hydration do make sure to get them seen right away.
If your child is running around, has normal activity level, and reasonably wet diapers, then I am not concerned.

Keeping them comfortable is the best way to get them drinking. Even if they have no fever, it is appropriate to dose them up with tylenol or Ibuprofen ( motrin/advil).
Tylenol comes in a suppository form if they are resistant to taking medicine by mouth.

For older kids with mouth sores 1/2 teaspoon of benedryl mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of maalox..squirted around the mouth every 4-6 hours brings some good relief.

Most of the kids with the mouth sores do much better with cool, creamy foods. Avoid tangy things like orange juice that might sting.

Check out past posts for more info about the virus.

I will check back in next week


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