Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday April 15th...a taxing day, to be sure!!!

We were packed in here today. We are very booked up with checkups and there are still quite a few sick kids out there who are taking up the rest of the spots with acute care appointments.
The nastiest thing out there right now is the tummy bug.
This round is a tough one. The kids have vomiting, diarrhea and fever. The diarrhea has been lasting for upwards of 4 days, even with folks avoiding dairy and doing probiotics. I suspect a strain of norovirus.

With most of these illnesses, time will fix things. Your job is to keep your child hydrated.
Check in with us if things aren't clearing after a few days.( check the tummy bug blog post)

I also have lots of kids with coughs, colds and a low grade fever.

Schedule those check ups!! If you plan at least 6 weeks in advance you can more easily pick and choose your appointment times. Last minute appointments are much harder to manage.

If you have friends who are expecting a baby and are interested in using us, have them call early.
We are currently doing 2 intake groups a month. Each group has 9-10 couples.
The groups for May are full.
We hate to turn people away, but seeing how busy we are now with our existing patient load, we can't accommodate any more patients than we allot from the intake groups and the siblings that are being born.

Stay well.
~Nurse Judy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy,

Our kid had this tummy bug, starting early Sunday morning with diarrhea then two hours later with vomiting. He then had a fever and was out of energy for about 3 days. Now it looks like this has passed on to my wife, who has been in bed all day with nausea and now some painful stomach cramps and sweating. It's nasty.

Thank you for your assistance on hydration and such. It was helpful.