Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mystery virus in the news

Generally when the headlines start talking about a new mysterious virus, I know I can count on a few extra calls.
I checked in with the San Francisco Public Health Department's communicable disease team to get an update.
The message that I got was that there is no need to panic.
There in fact has been a mysterious virus noted in California for the past 2 years. This virus has caused paralysis in one or more limbs and for that reason it has some similarities to polio. About 20 patients in total have been affected. There have been no deaths.
All of the patients have had their polio vaccinations.
There have been teams closely watching and studying this. The report just surfaced this week, which is why the media is currently doing stories about it.
The Doc at the Public Health Department stressed that there is NO epidemic. The odds of getting this are actually about 1 in a million.
There have been no cases reported at all in San Francisco.

Of course, if your child presents with any odd weakness in any of the arms or legs, it goes without saying that I would want you to call and report that to your doctor immediately.



Unknown said...

Are there any updates from NVP on this virus? We've been seeing the news splash, but don't know if there's any pertinent public health statement for us or if there have been Bay Area cases?

Unknown said...

Wondering if NVP has any updates to this? We have been reading news on the subject, but can't tell if there have been Bay Area cases- are there any report maps?