Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday update June 30th/ Office communication to your smartphone

This morning was pretty nuts. There was a high phone volume. We seem to have quite a few folks with very high fevers. Some of these kids have had mouth sores, others have ended with a simple rash (probable roseola) and one has had legs pains.
Either way, there are all sorts of odd viral syndromes floating around.

There are plenty of kids with the nasty cold/cough that seems to be awful for about a week and then the cough lingers for another week at least.

I have had a few kids with on and off vomiting for several days .

New topic.....

The office is experimenting with a system where we can communicate with our families via smart phones.It is called Appvisit
For now we will start with one way communication Once it is up and running, we may use it for reminders about shots, appointments etc.
At some point we hope to be using this new communication rather than email as a way for you to reach the nurse advice team.
 It is HIPAA compliant and protects your privacy to the upmost.
If you want to be one of our pioneers and sign up
Text the word  PEDS to (801)528-4748  or (801) 52-VISIT
You will recieve a text with a link to the app.
This is FREE

The office is closed on Friday July 4th.
Please do not be the family that I am talking to next week to follow up on a firecracker injury or burn!!!
Have a great week.

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