Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekly update June 16th

We have a lot of kids coughing.
There is absolutely a great deal of pertussis that seems to be circulating in the community.

The whooping cough kids are mostly well except for when they are coughing.

There are also lots of folks with a really horrible cold/ cough that has been lingering.

We are also seeing some kids with fairly high fevers that have lasted 2-3 days.
There is some Roseola out there

There are a quite a few kids (and families) with vomiting and diarrhea. Most of this is viral and passes quickly. If you have very gassy loose stools that are lasting more than a week it may be worth sending the stool to the lab to see what's up. Many of our kids are coming home from camping trips with more than dirty laundry.....

Stay well,

~Nurse Judy

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