Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Weekly update November 18th

For those who wait for this blog with bated breath, I am sorry that I am a day late.

I was gone for a long weekend and came back to mayhem.

There is still a big of a tummy bug circulating.
There is still some Hand/Foot/Mouth
There are lots of kids with fevers

The Big deal of the day is the nasty respiratory stuff that is going around. We have loads of kids that have started with a croupy/hoarse cough that moves down into the lungs and causes wheezing.
the wheezing has only lasted for a few days, but the cough has lingered for weeks.

I also just had our first positive RSV test here in the office.
Check my most recent Nurse Judy blog post for up to date info on this.

I also think I might be starting to see some Slap Cheek  starting to make the rounds.

So, there is a lot going on out there.

We now have flu vaccine in the office to take care of our patients. We are still waiting for the main shipment.
If it gets here this week we WILL have a Flu shot clinic on Saturday morning November 22nd, but that will be confirmed here in a new blog post. It is still not a sure thing.

I am posting the info below on behalf of Nurse Jen

An invitation to join a city-wide book drive benefiting underserved San Francisco and Oakland schools. 

Organized by NY-based Project Cicero, San Francisco public, parochial and independent schools will work together to collect books to donate to Teach for America teachers to use in their SF and Oakland classrooms.

In school collection is March 16-20
Teacher event is March 21

The books will be collected over one week in March (March 16-20) and then Teach for America teachers will be invited to select books for their classrooms during the one day event (March 21.) All of the details are taken care of by Project Cicero (info below.) The only thing the participating schools have to do is promote the one week drive. Project Cicero provides the collection boxes, picks up the books, sorts them and invites the teachers to the drive. Of course, you (and your students) are welcome to volunteer at the event as well if you'd like but it's not required.

If you are interested in having your school participate, please email Nurse Jen at jbmaeder@gmail.com.

Project Cicero is a partnership of independent, public, and parochial schools, private and public organizations and corporations whose primary goal is to create and supplement classroom and school libraries for children in under-resourced New York City public schools through an annual citywide book drive. Project Cicero also puts books into homeless shelters, juvenile detention facilities, community centers, pre and after school programs, and wherever else there is a need. This past year, its thirteenth year of operation, Project Cicero distributed more than 150,000 books. To date, Project Cicero has placed two million books into more than 11,000 classrooms and school libraries reaching over 500,000 children in under-resourced schools in New York City.

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