Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly update November 3rd 2014/Illness class this week

Time changes are tough on pets and babies. I wish I knew how to adjust their internal clocks for you!!

This was a very busy Monday morning.
Our appointments were snatched up before I was settled at my desk.

There are all sorts of annoying illnesses making the rounds.

I am seeing a spike in tummy issues.
Could it be from all the junk kids eat after Halloween? Possibly, but it has more of a viral feel and some of my young candy free kids are equally affected.
The kids are either vomiting or having loose stools or both. Some have moderate fevers with this.

We are also seeing a bunch of kids that had 2or 3 days of random high fevers. The fevers are gone but now they are SUPER fussy and unhappy.
This sounds a bit like roseola, but there is no rash and these kids are fairly miserable.
These folks were all given appointments for tomorrow so perhaps the mystery will be solved.

There are lots of patients with sore throats. The Strep tests have been negative so far.

There are lots of respiratory ailments. I have seen some croup, some general wheeziness and lots of mild to moderate coughs that are lingering for more than 2 weeks.

We have a load of kids with spots.. I think they are bites, because the kids don't seem ill otherwise.

We do have Flu vaccine in stock and are seeing patients Tues/Wed/Thurs to give the vaccine.
Please call in the morning for a same day appointment if available.
We are hoping to do a Saturday morning Shot clinic.
If the bulk of our supply arrives in time it will be November 22nd and then another one in December.

This is NOT a firm date yet. I will send out a post as soon as it is set.
I heard from CPMC that there were some positive FLU patients, but I don't think that there is a lot of Influenza circulating yet. I still would prefer to get the protection sooner than later.
We are frustrated that we don't have our full allotment yet.

If you want to spend 90 minutes talking about all this stuff with me,
I have an illness class this week on Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm.

Stay Well.

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