Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday update November 25th

We have an odd virus going around.
I have almost a dozen kids with hives. They are itchy but don't seem to be super sick.
Hives are strange. They can be associated with severe allergic reactions so they make many parents nervous. However, many times they simply come along as part of a virus.
We are interested in whether or not your child is on a new medication and/ or has eaten something new and unusual, but if there is no trouble breathing and no obvious source, I am thinking that it is viral.

Most of these kids have had hives on and off for about 4 or 5 days and then they are better.
If they are old enough, we would be fine giving them benedryl as needed.
If they are under 6 months do check in with us.

We are also seeing lots of Strep throat.

There is still a bit of diarrhea going around.

There are tons of coughs and colds out there as well.

For all of you who are traveling for the holidays
Here is an oldie but a goodie from my blog with some travel wisdom.

Our office will be closed for the holidays on Thursday and Friday. We will be back in business on Monday December 2nd.
If you need help as always call the after hours clinic 387-9293

Happy Holidays!

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