Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday Update 12/15/14

We had our first positive test for Influenza type A.
The patients was not vaccinated.
She presented in a way that normally would NOT have had us worried about the flu. Doing the test was a last ditch effort to figure out what the heck was going on with her, and sure enough it was positive.
She presented with fever, severe tummy ache, some vomiting, mild sore throat, mild cough.

We have had a lot of kids in here who we were SURE had the Flu and their tests have so far been negative. These kids have high fevers that are lasting for 5-6 days with congestion.

We do have RSV and lots of Strep throat making the rounds.
Other things making the list today are
ear infections

Insurance is changing for lots of folks at this time of year.
PLEASE PLEASE check your plans and make sure that we are on them.
Some companies have been shifting things around and making things difficult for everyone,
Safest thing is for you to call the number on your card.
If you have any questions, do check in with our biller 1-707-577-8044*

 For those of you who do not get the Friday emails....Here is my last week post on Holiday safety


Stay Dry!!!

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