Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday update January 12th

The Flu is here.
We have seen lots of positive tests in here. More than half of the kids were vaccinated.
They all had high fevers. The ones who can talk all had body aches.
Most of the kids had some congestion and wet coughs.
About half of the kids were also vomiting.....which leads me to...

Oh yes, we have another nasty tummy bug out there with LOTS of vomiters.
The difference is the amount of fever.
 If your child has over 103, do call us. It may be worth doing the flu test so that we can get you started on Tamiflu.
 It is a bit scarce, but we have managed to get it for most of the patients who need it.

We also have had a few positive strep throat cases

There are lots of wheezy coughs ( no fever)
All in all today was insanely busy!!!!!


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