Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Nothing new to report.
We are giving the baby H1N1 to our highest risk young patients.
On Monday we will surely not receive vaccine but will possibly get notification about our next shipment.
I will keep the blog updated as soon as I hear anything.

As far as the neighborhood update I am talking to quite of few parents frustrated by the never ending mild cough.
We are seeing a bit of strep throat. ( fevers and sore throats should be checked out, if there is congestion in the mix that makes it less likely that it is strep)
There are also quite a few wheeze rs out there.
If you think your child might be wheezing please do NOT wait until Monday to be checked out! Call PERC if needed 387-9293

Best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
We are closed Thursday and Friday
I will give an update on Monday!

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