Thursday, November 19, 2009

thursday update

Unless you have spoken to us and put your name on the list, we are now OUT of the H1N1 mist.

I will update the status tomorrow.

Please remember, although we would love to vaccinate all of our patients and families, none of the actual cases of H1N1 that we have dealt with in this office have been anything more than an annoying several days of typical flu symptoms!!


Michelle Gagnon said...

Our daughter received a dose of the mist at the end of October through the SF program, but understood that she'll need a booster at the end of November. Will there be more in stock soon? Is the second dose absolutely necessary?

Kim Green said...

yep - our two kids are due for their booster this week as well. they had the mist from a different practice that had supply at the time. definitely also interested in whether you guys will be administering second doses this week.