Monday, November 30, 2009


I am sorry that there is nothing to report this morning.
We have not gotten any notice of impending shipments.
We still have a tiny amount of the baby H1N1 vaccine left.
I anticipate that we will be giving the rest of that today to our higher risk babies.

I will absolutely be back on here later today if anything changes!


Michelle Gagnon said...

My daughter is due for her booster- is there a wait list for the next shipment yet?

noevalleypediatrics said...

unfortunately we don't have a waiting list.
My best advice is to keep checking the blog.
As soon as we get it I will post it here.
At that point call the office to get an appointment

Anonymous said...

thanks for setting up this blog! We'll be due for the booster early in december and we'll keep an eye here to know when we can call.