Friday, December 18, 2009

vaccine clinic in oakland tomorrow

We just got word of a new H1N1 opportunity!

Childrens Hospital of Oakland is offering a FREE H1N1 vaccine clinic for all children. They will also vaccinate any family members of high risk patients.

Saturday December 19th
9am until 1 pm

744 Fifty-second St in Oakland


There seem to be more and more opportunities out there to get the vaccine, and who knows, maybe we will get another shipment here next week.....or in March when nobody wants it anymore!!

Just as an FYI, one of our moms went to Care Practice yesterday for pediatric vaccine. On the phone they were told that it was available, but when they got there the story changed and they ended up with a shot from the multi dose vials.

We are not stressing about the tiny amount of thimerisol. The Vaccine from the multi dose vial is a fine choice if that is what is available

Have a nice weekend!
~Nurse Judy

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