Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday update

We still have plenty of mist for the kids over 2 and some of the shots available.
If you want one of our doses, Please call tomorrow to be put on the Tuesday shot list. Care Practice says they still have vaccine as well. Their number is 864-4444.

We did get an e-mail from the health department advising us that there is NOT a lot of the preservative free vaccine available. Most likely we will continue to get the multiple dose vials. Waiting for the preservative free may not be your best option.

They do report that there is still quite a bit of the H1N1 virus around (although 1 in 6 people have already had it!) For the most part it is fairly mild.
Any fever lasting more than 4 days, or any significant coughing should be evaluated.

Most of my Monday morning calls so far have been the general coughs and colds.
Hope everyone stays well!

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