Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday update/hydration

We are closed on Monday for the MLK holiday.
The after hours clinic will be open to take care of any of your concerns.
Today I have been talking to lots of families with the vomiting/diarrhea misery.
This usually passes in a day or two. We are not worried if your child doesn't eat much for a few days, We do worry if they are not getting enough fluid.
A dehydrated child looks really droopy and has way less urine output.
A playful child with big juicy tears and plenty of wet diapers is NOT dehydrated.
Offer small amounts of clear fluids ( or breast milk if you are lucky enough to have that option). Once fluids are being kept down, you can advance the diet to small amounts bland, starchy foods. I personally suggest avoiding dairy except for yogurt until the stomach seems settled.
If you are worried that your child is dehydrated and not retaining fluids...a trip to the ER for IV fluids is likely the next step. The CPMC Children's ER on California is a good option.

We are also seeing strep throat.
Any fever/headache/ sore throat combo that does NOT have congestion involved should be checked for strep.

I will be on the East Coast next week. If there is anything interesting going on Charity will chime in
Have a healthy week
~Nurse Judy

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