Tuesday, January 5, 2010

swimming in vaccine

We just got more of the H1N1 mist.
We have plenty of the inject able as well. The only product that we don't have is the pediatric preservative free. We can give all of our youngest kids the .25 cc dose from the multiple dose vials

As I mentioned, Walgreen's now has the vaccine and will vaccinate anyone who wants it over the age of 9.
Safeway has SEASONAL flu vaccine and will vaccinate anyone over the age of 8.
You can find the closest flu clinic to you by checking out www.flu.gov
This website includes a flu vaccine locater. All you need to is plug in your zip code.

There are still plenty of coughs and colds going around. I don't think I have seen anything that makes me think the seasonal flu is here yet.

Stay well
~Nurse Judy

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