Thursday, January 7, 2010


Is there anyone out there who can show me how to change the name of this blog? Flu shot availability is becoming an obsolete name. ( I really don't know how)
I am getting feedback that people would like the blog to continue even after the H1N1 passes..Maybe NOE VALLEY PEDIATRICS CHAT?

We are seeing Lots of colds and coughs. They hang on and hang on. YOu are not alone out there.
I want to see your child if the cough causes any labored breathing or there is a fever that lingers longer than 3 days.
Feel free to call Charity or me during the day to talk about other symptoms that you are concerned about.
There is a new website that has come to my attention
check it out, it is full of good info.

Stay Well
~Nurse Judy


christine said...

here's a link to a help page that shows you how to change the name of the blog.
as far as the new name, i think noe valley pediatrics 'blog' is better than 'chat' because it's not truly a chat - chat is more interpreted as real-time messaging. just my two cents.

joanna said...

Judy -- Joanna here. When you log into the blog, go to the Settings area. Right underneath "Blog Tools" it says "Title." Just change that. Thanks!