Monday, January 25, 2010

We are seeing a bit of everything!

There is all sorts of stuff going around.
*There is a nasty high fever with a sore throat and cough that is lasting for several days.
Maybe it is the flu but we haven't tested folks.
Remember the Nurse Judy Rule....we want to at least be talking about any fever that lasts more than 3 or 4 days.
*There is a tummy bug still making the rounds. Many of our unfortunate parents are getting hit with this one as well....Our focus is hydration. Make sure you and your child are getting enough fluids. We aren't too worried about a few days of poor appetite for solids.
*we are seeing croup and RSV..and severe upper respiratory infections.
again fluids, steam, keeping the head elevated, saline to the nose. If there is any labored breathing your child needs to be evaluated
* hand foot mouth virus as well as Slap Cheek virus are also still making the rounds
*lots of kids with ear infections too!!

See!! I wasn't kidding about the "germ soup"

Call as needed!
~Nurse Judy

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