Monday, January 11, 2010

what's going around?( hand foot mouth)

Happy Monday,
It was steady but not out of control in here today. After all the illness we saw this fall, so far the winter has been much milder.
We are seeing a bit of hand foot mouth virus.
This is a very common illness that most kids will get and get over very easily.
Some kids have such a mild version that you may not even get it diagnosed..a small spot on the hand that looks like a bite.
On the other extreme some kids have lots of little lesions on the hands, the feet, the butt and most unfortunately in the mouth.
Some get fevers...some don't.
The more sores in the mouth, the more miserable the child. In worst cases they won't eat or drink and end up in the ER for IV fluids. This is rare.
In most cases,with appropriate use of motrin and tylenol and sensible food choices, you can manage at home with just a day or two of misery.
Yes to smoothies and yogurts. Cool and creamy foods
No to orange juice or other acidic food, or sharp foods like tortilla chips.
If your child has no fever and is not fussy, it is our opinion that they can go to daycare.

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