Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday update 12/29/14 /Holiday Hours

Holiday Hours
We are closing early on Wednesday (NOON)
We are closed all day on Thursday and back in for business all day on Friday.

We are seeing a tremendous amount of respiratory issues. There are more cases of pneumonia than we usually see at one time.
Of course most of our kids don't have pneumonia, there are tons of kids with fevers, coughs and congestion that are dealing with a week or so of illness and then manage to shake it off with simply symptomatic treatment.
Here are some guidelines
If your child has a high fever and a rattly cough they should be seen.
If there is any fever over 102 that does not reduce to at least 101 an hour after meds, they need to be seen
Any fever lasting more than 4-5  days needs to be checked out
Any labored breathing needs to be seen same day.

I am also seeing a number of folks with a tummy bug. Most of the folks have been managing without coming in to the Doctor. The key is hydration. Probiotics, and avoiding dairy ( Except for breast milk) are also helpful.

There is still some Hand Foot Mouth going around.

Above is my most recent Nurse Judy Blog post.
You may want to book mark it for the dosage charts

Happy and Healthy New year to all.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Weekly update december 22

Holiday hours this week are as follows:
 We are here with two docs working Monday and Tuesday all day.
We have 3 docs in Wednesday morning. We are closed in the afternoon.
 We are closed on Thursday and back for a full day on Friday with 2 docs.

I thought today might be mellow because of so many travelers, but I was WRONG.
The phones have been quite busy and there are a lot of sick kids (and parents) out there.
There are loads of ear infections for some reason!
We are also seeing lots of cough and colds. The kids with reactive airways are wheezing and the nebulizers have been humming along all day in all of the rooms.
We have a few loaners that we use to send home with folks for a couple of days and I am putting out a call to please return them.
 If you have a Noe Valley Nebulizer please email the nurse team to let us know how you are doing and when you might be able to get it back to us.
If you need it for more than a few days, it may be worth getting you set up with one from Walgreens. This is usually covered by insurance and then you own it.

There is a tummy bug out there. I have a variety of kids with vomiting/ Tummy aches/ loose stools.

There are a bunch of kids with high fevers.
There is some Hand/Foot/ Mouth still circulating. It seems fairly mild.
I think I may be seeing Slap Cheek. I saw a few cases earlier in the month and then nothing, but I am suspicious that it is starting to be more wide spread

Happy Holidays to all.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday Update 12/15/14

We had our first positive test for Influenza type A.
The patients was not vaccinated.
She presented in a way that normally would NOT have had us worried about the flu. Doing the test was a last ditch effort to figure out what the heck was going on with her, and sure enough it was positive.
She presented with fever, severe tummy ache, some vomiting, mild sore throat, mild cough.

We have had a lot of kids in here who we were SURE had the Flu and their tests have so far been negative. These kids have high fevers that are lasting for 5-6 days with congestion.

We do have RSV and lots of Strep throat making the rounds.
Other things making the list today are
ear infections

Insurance is changing for lots of folks at this time of year.
PLEASE PLEASE check your plans and make sure that we are on them.
Some companies have been shifting things around and making things difficult for everyone,
Safest thing is for you to call the number on your card.
If you have any questions, do check in with our biller 1-707-577-8044*

 For those of you who do not get the Friday emails....Here is my last week post on Holiday safety


Stay Dry!!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Weekly update December 8th/Insurance reminder

Of course the same day that we held our Saturday flu shot clinic, the media was announcing headlines about the flu vaccine being a poor match this season.
The suggestion is still for folks to get the vaccination for at least partial protection. There are often more than one strain that makes the rounds each season, so I would agree with that suggestion.
I actually have not had any positive cases of Flu in here yet.
 I have a couple of kids with nasty high fevers for almost a week, they are congested and coughing.
It sure looks like flu, but the tests were negative.
There is a nasty "whatever it is" virus out there.

We are still seeing some strep throat.
Last week and continuing today are more calls about pinworms, so itchy butts or vaginal irritations should rule that out.

This week I am getting a spike in calls about loose stools.

We are coming to the time of year when many folks switch their insurance plans.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check with your plan to make sure we are on it.
Your best bet is to call the number on your card, but if you have any conflicting information do check in with our biller Susie (you can click the link from our website)
Our receptionist are often not able to verify whether or not your plan is accepted here on the same day as the appointment.

Stay well!

Thursday, December 4, 2014


If you haven't gotten your shot yet, we have our Flu shot clinic on Saturday December 6th from 9-noon.
No appointment needed.
 This is for Noe valley pediatrics patients and families.

Have a nice weekend.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday update December 1st/;' FLU SHOT CLINIC!!

I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving. We had a lot of traveling patients who weathered the storms.

Right now most of the ill patients have the harsh cough/ congestion/ fever illness.
We are not bothering most patients by testing it, but I bet we are seeing a lot of RSV. The cough has a certain sound.

We are also seeing lots of strep throat. Most of the tests are coming up positive.
If you have a child with a sore throat, fever and not a lot of congestion, I think it is worth testing them.
 A lot of parents will report that their kids have pretty yucky breath when they have Strep, so give your kids a sniff.

I do think we are also seeing some Slap cheek around. The kids with this have one or two red cheeks on and off. Some also have a fever.

There is still some Hand Foot Mouth persisting, but I am seeing less of that.

There are some vomiting kids, many of those also have ear infections.
I heard rumors that there is some NOROVIRUS starting to spread, but I don't think we have had any here.
Finally I am delighted to announce that we are having our first Saturday morning weekend FLu Shot clinic this Saturday December 6th from 9 am-Noon.
We will give shots or mist to any of the Noe Valley Pediatrics patients and families.
 Parent vaccines are $40. We will be happy to give you a receipt, but we do NOT submit the paperwork to your insurance.
Of course for all of our patients we bill the insurance as usual.
Our vaccine is the Preservative free/ Quadrivalent made by Sanofi.

There is no appointment necessary!
Have a healthy week.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday update November 24th

Today broke the record for the largest pile of charts that ever awaited me on my Monday morning desk.
I sat there in awe not quite sure where to start.
I am grateful for all of my patients, most of you are all SO sensible, it makes it so much easier.
There were two big issues today...the tummy kids and the coughers.

The tummy bugs is out there again. There is a combo of vomiting and diarrhea.
Right before vomiting the kids look pretty yucky, but feel a bit better once they have thrown up.
Many of these kids have had really poor appetites going on 4 or 5 days now.
There is little we can do for this.
Make sure your child is getting pro biotics.
Make sure they are on a bland/ starchy /easy diet.
I would minimize dairy except for Breast milk.
Make sure they are hydrated.

If days and days go by with no change, do call and we will check them out (assuming we have appointments)

The coughing kids are also out there in large numbers. I think RSV is here with a vengeance.
Again, treat the symptoms.
If your feel like your child is having labored breathing, lets make sure they get seen.

We are in the office only 3 days this week.
Wednesday we have only two doctors working, so our triage bar is set fairly high. We are trying to see those folks who really need to get in.

The after hours clinic will be there every day while we are closed for Thanksgiving.

The good news is that we finally got our flu vaccine.
 We are planning on holding our Saturday morning Flu shot clinic from 9:30-noon on December 6th.
I will send out more details next Monday.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Weekly update November 18th

For those who wait for this blog with bated breath, I am sorry that I am a day late.

I was gone for a long weekend and came back to mayhem.

There is still a big of a tummy bug circulating.
There is still some Hand/Foot/Mouth
There are lots of kids with fevers

The Big deal of the day is the nasty respiratory stuff that is going around. We have loads of kids that have started with a croupy/hoarse cough that moves down into the lungs and causes wheezing.
the wheezing has only lasted for a few days, but the cough has lingered for weeks.

I also just had our first positive RSV test here in the office.
Check my most recent Nurse Judy blog post for up to date info on this.

I also think I might be starting to see some Slap Cheek  starting to make the rounds.

So, there is a lot going on out there.

We now have flu vaccine in the office to take care of our patients. We are still waiting for the main shipment.
If it gets here this week we WILL have a Flu shot clinic on Saturday morning November 22nd, but that will be confirmed here in a new blog post. It is still not a sure thing.

I am posting the info below on behalf of Nurse Jen

An invitation to join a city-wide book drive benefiting underserved San Francisco and Oakland schools. 

Organized by NY-based Project Cicero, San Francisco public, parochial and independent schools will work together to collect books to donate to Teach for America teachers to use in their SF and Oakland classrooms.

In school collection is March 16-20
Teacher event is March 21

The books will be collected over one week in March (March 16-20) and then Teach for America teachers will be invited to select books for their classrooms during the one day event (March 21.) All of the details are taken care of by Project Cicero (info below.) The only thing the participating schools have to do is promote the one week drive. Project Cicero provides the collection boxes, picks up the books, sorts them and invites the teachers to the drive. Of course, you (and your students) are welcome to volunteer at the event as well if you'd like but it's not required.

If you are interested in having your school participate, please email Nurse Jen at

Project Cicero is a partnership of independent, public, and parochial schools, private and public organizations and corporations whose primary goal is to create and supplement classroom and school libraries for children in under-resourced New York City public schools through an annual citywide book drive. Project Cicero also puts books into homeless shelters, juvenile detention facilities, community centers, pre and after school programs, and wherever else there is a need. This past year, its thirteenth year of operation, Project Cicero distributed more than 150,000 books. To date, Project Cicero has placed two million books into more than 11,000 classrooms and school libraries reaching over 500,000 children in under-resourced schools in New York City.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

**Flu Shot Update**
We have received 100 doses of pediatric flu vaccine!  This is quadrivalent preservative free for kids under 3 years of age and at least 6 months old.  You can call the front desk to schedule a shot appnt. 
Tues thru Thurs 10:00am-11:30, and 2:00-4:00pm.
Call the morning of the day you want to come starting at 9:00am.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekly update November 10th

This week we are seeing a lot of the same stuff.
Many of the very sore throats have been testing positive for Strep throat.

We are seeing lots of coughs/ colds.
There are some kids with fairly mild croup and lots of kids are wheezy.

I am seeing kids with 2-3 days of fevers, followed by a rash

I am seeing some kids with tummy stuff, but significantly less than last week. There may have been a connection to Halloween candy there, hmmmmm

Hand Foot Mouth is Still hovering around...or at least a variation of some viral that is causing a spotty rash around the mouth, hands, feet and butt.
We are also seeing a tremendous number of rashes  that mostly look like bug bits, but we aren't quite sure.

We are now just about out of our baby flu doses. Please call before coming if you are already scheduled.
We are completely out of adult flu shots. We have plenty of mist.
I hope to have more of the multidose vials in later this week.

I am not quite ready to give a firm date for a Flu shot clinic, Hopefully by next Monday I will have more info.

Our office IS open on Tuesday/Veteran's Day.
Keep in mind that now that we are in the Winter Illness season we are not doing routine Check-ups on our big kids (over 4)
This is for multiple reasons.
*We need the appointment spots for sick kids
*You don't want to have a healthy kid in here any more than necessary
*Schools often require a form that is signed after March...if you have a winter check up, many schools will require another visit that may or may not be covered by insurance.

If you absolutely need to have a physical the front desk will have you speak to one of the nurses and we can talk to you about making an exception.

If you have any acute care issues, of course we will be happy to take care of them!!!

Stay well
~Nurse Judy

Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly update November 3rd 2014/Illness class this week

Time changes are tough on pets and babies. I wish I knew how to adjust their internal clocks for you!!

This was a very busy Monday morning.
Our appointments were snatched up before I was settled at my desk.

There are all sorts of annoying illnesses making the rounds.

I am seeing a spike in tummy issues.
Could it be from all the junk kids eat after Halloween? Possibly, but it has more of a viral feel and some of my young candy free kids are equally affected.
The kids are either vomiting or having loose stools or both. Some have moderate fevers with this.

We are also seeing a bunch of kids that had 2or 3 days of random high fevers. The fevers are gone but now they are SUPER fussy and unhappy.
This sounds a bit like roseola, but there is no rash and these kids are fairly miserable.
These folks were all given appointments for tomorrow so perhaps the mystery will be solved.

There are lots of patients with sore throats. The Strep tests have been negative so far.

There are lots of respiratory ailments. I have seen some croup, some general wheeziness and lots of mild to moderate coughs that are lingering for more than 2 weeks.

We have a load of kids with spots.. I think they are bites, because the kids don't seem ill otherwise.

We do have Flu vaccine in stock and are seeing patients Tues/Wed/Thurs to give the vaccine.
Please call in the morning for a same day appointment if available.
We are hoping to do a Saturday morning Shot clinic.
If the bulk of our supply arrives in time it will be November 22nd and then another one in December.

This is NOT a firm date yet. I will send out a post as soon as it is set.
I heard from CPMC that there were some positive FLU patients, but I don't think that there is a lot of Influenza circulating yet. I still would prefer to get the protection sooner than later.
We are frustrated that we don't have our full allotment yet.

If you want to spend 90 minutes talking about all this stuff with me,
I have an illness class this week on Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm.

Stay Well.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Weekly update October 29th

Sorry that this update is a few days late,
I was on the East Coast for a week.

This week the office has seen:
Lots of sore throats...most of them have been testing negative for Strep
Hand Foot Mouth continues to make the rounds. The kids have spots, but seem otherwise reasonably well.
There are lots of kids with colds/coughs some are wheezy

We now have Flu vaccination for anyone who wants it.

I was able to procure some quadrivalent multidose vaccine. This is fine for people over the age of 3. The multiple use vial (what most Walgreen's have) is the standard form that we had used for many years until very recently.  If you are pregnant, I would wait until the Preservative Free become available, Anyone else over 3 can have the regular stuff with no concern.

Our seasonal order for the Quadivalent preservative Free doses for folks over 3 is still delayed until the end of November.
If it comes in time, we will tentatively hold our first weekend Flu clinic on Saturday morning November 22nd. Put a big question mark on that date until we actually have our shipment.
We did get word from CPMC that there was some positive tests for Flu already, so it is potentially going to be any earlier season that we were expecting.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!


Monday, October 20, 2014

Weekly update October 20th

We are seeing a lot of everything.

There are a lot of kids with moderate to high fevers. The kids who are old enough to verbalize also complain about headaches.

One of those kids just ended up with Strep throat, even though her throat wasn't the least bit sore.

There is lots of Strep circulating, so any fever that doesn't have much congestion with it needs to be checked if it is lasting more than a few days.

We are seeing some Roseola, which will end with the fever gone and a rash all over.

Strep may also have a rash, but the fever will be hanging on.
There are lots of kids with colds and coughs.
Some of the patients were seen in the ER this weekend with croup.
Pertussis is circulating. The vaccination is about 80% effective. The good news is that the kids who are vaccinated have been getting fairly mild cases

Hand Foot Mouth is still going around.

One of our patients informed me that there was a dead bird in her neighborhood identified as having West Nile Virus this week, so that is one more thing to keep in mind....and of course there is the
Enterovirus D-68

Our Flu shot situation is improving  a bit.
We have plenty of the Flu Mist and some of the vaccine for the kids under 3.
Hopefully we will actually get the big kid/ adult shots in very soon.
As soon as we have it we will schedule a Saturday morning clinic.

Stay well
~Nurse Judy

Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekly update October 13th

We are seeing a variety of illnesses.
Most of the calls related to a viral high fever making the rounds. This is lasting 4-5 days. The kids have mild congestion and a dry cough. The fever typically responds well to the meds
I am okay playing the wait and see game with them as long as they look fine. On day five of fever, they need to be checked on

*There have been more calls about some vomiting/diarrhea.
Keep them hydrated

*There are quite a few kids with fairly severe wheezing. These folks need to be seen 

*There are lots of kids with ear infections and conjunctivitis

*There are lots of bug bites that are causing local reactions.
First step for these is Zyrtec and compressing (a black tea bag make s a great compress)

This is a good time of year to check out your medicine cabinet and make sure you have appropriate medications for the upcoming cold and Flu season.
If you have expired medications, this week's blog post can direct you to where you can get rid of them.

We are expecting 200 flu mist doses this week and 80 doses of the baby flu shots, with more on the way.
They are semi promising ( I will believe it when I see it) the rest of our vaccine by November 1st.

I am not going to schedule the weekend clinic until we actually have the vaccine, but feel free to call the office for same day shot or mist appointments later in the week.

Stay well,

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday update October 6th

There is a lot of stuff going around.

We have quite a bit of colds/coughs/wheezing.
If your child has a history of wheezing, do make sure that you have medication on hand, if it has expired or you need a refill, give us a call.
If you own a nebulizer, when is the last time you changed the tubing???

I believe that we are likely seeing kids with the Enterovirus D-68 but unless they are seriously ill, they won't be tested for it so we don't actually know.
Enteroviruses can cause respiratory and gastrointestinal illness, rash and neurologic illnesses, While most infections cause mild or no symptoms, some can be severe. There are more than 100 types that can cause approximately 10-15 MILLION infections in the United stated each year, Enteroviruses typically occur in the summer and Fall. This one is not anything new, but there was a bit of a cluster that made the news recently and of course got all the parents worried.

We are treated it the same way we would any other viral syndrome.
Treat the symptoms with supportive care and get seen if your child is wheezing or having any labored breathing.

We have some strep throat around
We have a few kids with sudden onset fevers and headaches

There are a lot of kids with spots. I think some of these are kids with this Hand/Foot/Mouth virus that has been making the rounds. Most of them don't seem too ill.

Other kids have lots of insect bites. I think that many of them are either flea bites (rampant right now) or spider bites.
As you can imagine we have also seen lots of heat rashes.

Last week I was seeing a lot of tummy stuff, that has since quieted down, based on the phone call complaints so far today.

Our flu shot report remains grim.
We are supposed to get more baby flu doses promised to us prior to October 23.
We have very limited amounts of flu mist, but hopefully will be getting a constant trickle of that in as well.

Walgreens seems to have a solid supply (lucky them) so if your child is over 7 you can go over there for the vaccine if you are tired of waiting for us.
I wish I had better news.

Wash your hands
~Nurse Judy

Monday, September 29, 2014

Weekly update September 29

This morning most of the calls I took were about the nasty cough/cold that is going around many of my patients and  families.
In the afternoon it took an abrupt turn and everyone I spoke to was vomiting!
These tummy bug  kids have low to moderate fevers, stools are not quite normal, but not soft enough to be described as diarrhea.
The kids all look pale and miserable and then perk up quite a bit after vomiting. I don't have a sense of how long it lasts yet.

In the office we have had lots of sore throats.
We had some positive strep tests, but not quite as many as last week.

I had lots of calls about head lice and pin worms, both are out there....

We got a health advisory update about the Enterovirus D-68 which is the official name of the nasty virus that has been in the news.
There are no reported cases in SF as of yet.
We are seeing a spike in wheezy patients this week.

As per the flu update. There is still no sign of actual Influenza circulating, which is a very good thing because there is no current word on when we will get more of our vaccine.
 We still have some flu mist in stock and are getting 50 doses this week.

I promise that as soon as the vaccine is in, we will have a few weekend clinics so that we can play catch up and get all of our families protected

Stay well.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Flu Clinic Cancelled Tomorrow

Unfortunately we do not have enough flu vaccines in stock to hold our Drop-in Flu Clinic tomorrow.

We have a small, reserved amount of vaccines for those of you with scheduled appointments (hopefully enough to hold us over to the next shipment) plus about 70 flu mists (live, intranasal) for children older than 3 years without a history of asthma. If you fall under this category, call next week for an appointment. Flu vaccine hours are as follows, please call for an appointment in the morning of the same day.


Due to our limited number, we are reserving these flumists for our pediatric patients. Parents please visit a pharmacy such as Walgreens or ask your primary care physician.

We expect our shipment next month so check back with us!

Remember, it takes about two weeks for protection to develop after vaccination and children who have never received a flu vaccine will need two doses the first year.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Update 9/22/14

We are seeing all sorts of stuff out there this week.

Hand Foot Mouth is rampant, but the young kids with it seem to be handling the symptoms without being super miserable. That is not the case for the adults who are getting it. These folks are quite uncomfortable.
We are also seeing strep throat. so sore throats are worth checking out, especially if they come along with any fever. Congestion makes it less likely to be strep, but not impossible.

We are seeing tummy bug, with some vomiting and diarrhea.

There are lots of coughs and colds. Some kids have been croupy. I am not seeing tons of wheezing.

Media reports that the nasty Mid West Virus that hospitalized hundreds of kids has been seen in California but not in the Bay Area yet.

Bear with us about the flu vaccines.

As of today we have about 100 doses of flu mist left and about 40 doses of the baby flu.
We will be getting enough to vaccinate all of our patients, there is just an irritating lag in the delivery.

There is no sign of Flu out there thank goodness!

wash those hands and stay well!
~Nurse Judy

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weekly update September 16

Yesterday was so nutty in here that I didn't have even a moment to get to the blog until today.
We were booked and double booked. Thanks everyone for your patience.

Thank being said, there is nothing terribly alarming that I am seeing in our patient population.
As you can imagine we are getting plenty of calls about the alarming virus that is affecting folks in the Mid-West.
I am actually surprised that I haven't seen any whiffs of it at all.
We do have loads of kids with cold and coughs, but as I said last week, the parameters for when to bring your child in for an evaluation remain the same. If they seem to be having trouble breathing, get them seen!

This week I also have had a number of folks with a short bout of diarrhea/vomiting/ general tummy ache.

I also had a number of cases of pin worms and head lice ( not the same patient thank goodness, but groan none the less) Welcome to the "back to school" season.

Regarding the flu...we are experiencing a delay in getting the bulk of our vaccine. We have a few doses of shots for the babies in stock.
I am hoping that we will see the flu mist at least later this week.
I am now updating my Friday Emails with the status of the flu season, so if you are on the email list check, you can check there for updated info
(if you want to be added, just shoot me an email to

We may or may not be able to hold a Saturday clinic this month. It depends on our supply.
We fully expect to be well prepared to vaccinate everyone who needs it in October and luckily there doesn't seem to be any active Flu out there yet. It usually comes quite a bit later in the season.
I will keep the updates coming.

Stay well

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Update 9/8/2014/Scary respiratory virus

For those of you who read the news, there is a very scary respiratory virus making the rounds in the Mid West.
I have not seen any cases here yet and I hope that remains the case.

This week's blog post is especially timely...
It gives the basic parameters for when you need to be seen and then reviews basic care.

With ANY virus, if you are worried about your child's breathing they need to be seen.

We are seeing plenty of routine coughs and colds in here, but nothing out of the ordinary.

We are still waiting for the Flu Mist to be delivered.

New Topic.
We had some recent schedule changes and left messages on the phone number that we have in our computer scheduling system. Some folks have made changes and did not receive our messages in a timely fashion. Please make sure we have your updated contact info so that we are able to reach you if we need to!

One more topic.

Stanford has openings in the weight control center for folks between the ages of 8-15.
It is a bit of a schlep down there, but we don't have anything quite as good here in the city.
The contact number for more info is 650-725-4424

Stay well.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weekly update September 3rd

Labor Day signals that most of our older kids are back in school. Usually this means "bring on the coughs and colds etc", but so far today most of the illnesses were fairly mild.
I do have several patients with what I am suspecting is Hand/Foot/Mouth virus.
There are a bunch of kids with mild colds and ear infections.

We still only have a small percentage of our Flu Flu Mist yet. We are not seeing any glimmers of Flu yet either, thank goodness.

I will update this site weekly as things evolve.

Stay well.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Free Cell scope??

For any of you who have had Dr Kaplan check your child's ears with her cool little cell scope, you may want to check this out.
Our Dr Jessica always seems to be on the cutting edge and she found this link...
Act Quickly and maybe you can get one.
 Let me know if it works out!!!
~Nurse Judy

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday update August 25th/ peanut alergies/ FLu shot update

Today was incredibly busy, even with two nurses manning the phones for much of the day, some of the non urgent calls did not get returned today. We really do attempt to return all calls same day, so my apologies to anyone who was awaiting a call back.
Please make sure you let the office know if you are concerned about an issue and we will be sure to get back to you as quickly as we can. If this is a sign of the upcoming winter, yikes.

The first part of my morning today was tending to orthopedic emergencies. My poor Noe Valley Pediatrics patients had a tough weekend with falls and minor accidents.
We also have a lot of kids with fevers and very chesty coughs.

My weekly email this Friday was about this season's Flu vaccine.

We have gotten our first shipment of the pediatric vaccine ( for kids 3 and younger) We are expecting the vaccine for older kids to get in later this week. I expect the Flu mist to be here in another week or so.

Yes it is nice to get an early start on your protection, but typically the Flu doesn't make an appearance until December or January, so you do have some time.

We will start our flu shot clinics the Wednesday after Labor day.
We hold these Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10-11:30 am  and 2-4 pm.
In order to manage the crowds and the availability of my ably Medical Assistants, we will accept a limited number of patients into each of these windows..Call in the morning to get onto the morning or afternoon list.

We will be doing Saturday morning Flu shot clinics again.
The first of these will be September 27th...not quite sure what times but I will update that when we get closer..

Any patients out there with peanut allergies? Stanford Allergy center is seeking volunteers between 7-55 years

Stay well

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday update August 18th

It is the first day of school for many of our patients and if feels like a sudden switch was flipped already and there is a lot of illness around.
We saw a little bit of everything today.
Most of my calls were cough related. Some of the kids were a bit wheezy.
We saw some Hand Foot Mouth virus.
I spoke to a few families dealing with a tummy bug.
We had some positive strep throat tests.
There were a few kids with several days of fevers.
There are some patients with odd rashes
It is after five and I am still digging out from underneath the pile of charts on my desk....what a day.

I hope everyone has a happy "back to school" week.
Wash those hands!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday update August 11th

 There isn't anything major making the rounds this week.
There are some kids with a summer cold/cough but for the most part we have been busy with the last minute check-ups.

I do have one of my illness classes scheduled on Wednesday evening August 20th.
If you want help navigating through all the viral syndromes an illnesses that kids tend to get, this 90 minutes session will be helpful.
To sign up or get more info email

Are you a mom that wants to meet other moms, get in shape and help fight blood cancer?  Join The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training for the fall season of Moms In Training Moms In Training is a nine-week workout program that helps busy moms prepare for a 5K race while meeting other moms in their community and raising funds for LLS's mission to fight cancer.

Moms In Training was created with the goal of bringing moms together to get in shape, fight cancer and raise funds for LLS.  Moms In Training includes weekly workouts on Saturday mornings, which consists of running, walking, cross-training and stretching, and social events throughout the season with other moms in the area.  The program starts on August 23, 2014 and climates with the Monster Dash 5K in San Jose, CA on October 22, 2014.  This program is perfect for new moms since they are able to train with their babies as long as they remain in the stroller!

Moms In Training is currently available in San Francisco, East Bay, North Bay, Peninsula, South Bay and Santa Cruz/Monterey.  Interested moms can learn more or sign up at

Stay well!!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Weekly Update 8/4/2014

After a few quiet weeks, things seem to be getting quite a bit busier.
As Dr Kaplan says, we are having an epidemic of New Borns. I wonder if something special was going on nine months ago?!
Regarding the illnesses that are going around....
Last week we saw a few cases of Strep Throat.
Today I have seen quite a few patients with fevers. The fevers are moderate and have been lasting 3-4 days. Many of the kids also have a croupy sounding cough with this.

There have been tons of kids with bug bites that have been quite bothersome.
We are also seeing lots of kids with mysterious rashes.

I have a handful of kids with some type of tummy bug/ more vomiting than diarrhea.

We anticipate that we will get our first shipments of the Flu Vaccine later this month.
I will be updating you here with all the Flu info as soon as there is anything to report.

Stay well.
~Nurse Judy

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weekly update7/22/14

Things seem quiet on the Noe valley front.
 We are mostly seeing the well kids for their check-ups.

We are seeing more rashes and bug bites than a lot of illnesses.

There are a few kids with fevers out there.

It is crazy to think that it is almost August! If you have forms for schools/ sports teams don't wait until the last minute to get those taken care of..

Have a good week.

~Nurse Judy

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday update 7/14/14

There is a mystery fever out there that has been hanging on for 4-5 days. Some of the kids are getting a rash with it. Dr Kaplan is suspecting that we are starting to see Parvo (aka slap cheek)
When it starts to make the rounds we tend to see a lot of it. I will keep you in the loop.
slap cheek

There are a few kids with a mild tummy bug
and a few kids with croup.

There are lots of little summer colds around.

For those of  you with upcoming is an update of my travel post

Stay well


Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday update July 7th

I hope everyone had a nice 3 day weekend.
I was expecting mayhem this morning, but it was quite a bit  mellower than usual.

There are of course the usual cases of coughs/ colds etc but nothing alarming.
We have seen a ton of kids with nasty bug bites.
 Any bug bite that seems to be painful and has increasing areas of redness, might be getting infected and is worth a look.

Stay well.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday update June 30th/ Office communication to your smartphone

This morning was pretty nuts. There was a high phone volume. We seem to have quite a few folks with very high fevers. Some of these kids have had mouth sores, others have ended with a simple rash (probable roseola) and one has had legs pains.
Either way, there are all sorts of odd viral syndromes floating around.

There are plenty of kids with the nasty cold/cough that seems to be awful for about a week and then the cough lingers for another week at least.

I have had a few kids with on and off vomiting for several days .

New topic.....

The office is experimenting with a system where we can communicate with our families via smart phones.It is called Appvisit
For now we will start with one way communication Once it is up and running, we may use it for reminders about shots, appointments etc.
At some point we hope to be using this new communication rather than email as a way for you to reach the nurse advice team.
 It is HIPAA compliant and protects your privacy to the upmost.
If you want to be one of our pioneers and sign up
Text the word  PEDS to (801)528-4748  or (801) 52-VISIT
You will recieve a text with a link to the app.
This is FREE

The office is closed on Friday July 4th.
Please do not be the family that I am talking to next week to follow up on a firecracker injury or burn!!!
Have a great week.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekly update June 16th

We have a lot of kids coughing.
There is absolutely a great deal of pertussis that seems to be circulating in the community.

The whooping cough kids are mostly well except for when they are coughing.

There are also lots of folks with a really horrible cold/ cough that has been lingering.

We are also seeing some kids with fairly high fevers that have lasted 2-3 days.
There is some Roseola out there

There are a quite a few kids (and families) with vomiting and diarrhea. Most of this is viral and passes quickly. If you have very gassy loose stools that are lasting more than a week it may be worth sending the stool to the lab to see what's up. Many of our kids are coming home from camping trips with more than dirty laundry.....

Stay well,

~Nurse Judy

Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekly Update June 9th

There still seems to be a nasty high fever making the rounds.
The kids have been ill and achy for 4- 5 days.

Lots of kids have colds and coughs. Some of the coughs seem a bit wheezy.

We are hearing about quite a bit of whooping cough in the city. This is what was predicted and it seems to be real.

We are seeing lots of strep throat.

Gentle reminders:
We are booking at least several weeks out for checkups, so please call soon if you need to get your child in this summer.

Also, Please double check your insurance to make sure that we are still on the plan.
 I have had a few families who were not notified when plans changed on them....don't let that happen to you!

Stay well.
Happy Father's Day this weekend to all you marvelous daddies out there!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday Update June 2nd/ Send us your cute kid photos!!

Lots of sick kids and families!

There is a nasty fever out there. It is usually coming with congestion. This has been feeling very Flu like, but it is not quite the right season and we haven't been actually testing for it.
Some of my patients are on day 8!!

By the time you get to day 4 or 5 they do need to be seen, but I think there is some comfort in knowing that it is going around.

Strep is still out there. I have had a bunch of kids with pimply rashes...that turned out to be strep positive.

I have had a few calls about hand foot mouth. Those seem to be the stragglers, I am not seeing nearly as many as we did just a few weeks ago.

We are seeing some loose stools.

We are seeing conjunctivitis.

I am starting to see kids with Poison Oak. the fun stuff.
We have had our new Website for about a year

In honor of that I would love to add more wonderful photos to our gallery.
Send me pics of your beautiful kids and we will post them!!!
Just send them to with the subject photo
It will be a nice change to get pics that are not of poop or rashy butts!!!
~Nurse Judy

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

weekly update may 27th 2014

I hope everyone enjoyed the 3 day weekend.

We are seeing quite a bit of strep throat today. I started to see more of it toward the end of last week

We are also seeing croup.

get those humidifiers cleaned off!

There seems to be a fever out there as well. This has been lasting for 4-5 days. Because we are also seeing strep, if you have a child with a mystery fever we may want to get them in here.

I also have quite a few patients who are having a few days on and off of vomiting.
That could be viral, but strep can also do that!

Allergies are going nuts, so lots of our kids have the clear runny noses and watery eyes.

I also just had a few kids return from their school back packing trip with very horrible and gassy diarrhea that turned out to be caused by the bacteria Campylobacter.
Any diarrhea that isn't clearing up after a few days, especially after you have been camping, should be checked out.

Stay well
~Nurse Judy

Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekly Update may 19th

This week:
We are seeing lots of kids with fevers.
These tend to be lasting about 3 days and are ranging between 101 and 102.
The kids don't seem terribly ill.

We are STILL seeing Hand Foot Mouth and this week it seems to be causing more mouth sores and misery. It is viral and it will go away. Most kids don't have more than 3 peak miserable days before you feel like you are moving "towards the light". If it really feels like it is lingering, or you are worried about the hydration status, do check in

I have seen a bit of a tummy bug. This one is fairly variable. There are a few kids with loose stools, but most of the kids have just had a short stint of vomiting and then seem fine.

There are the typical colds and coughs out there and the cough does seem to be lingering.
There is a lot of whooping cough out there.
If your child is having coughing spasms that are hanging around let us know
Sometimes the spasms lead to vomiting.
Of course, not all spasmotic coughs are caused by pertussis.
Most of our kids are vaccinated and are likely protected. The vaccinated kids who do get it have a much easier case, but Pertussis hangs on for a few months, so it is something we might need to consider.
Stay well

~Nurse Judy

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Weekly update May 15th

It is hotter here than it was in Vegas!
Hot weather means heat rash.
There are lots of little viruses going around that have associated rashes, but some of the kids are simply rashy from the heat.
Keep them cool and hydrated. we don't usually need to see the kids unless they are super fussy or the rash is persistant.
That nasty Hand Food Mouth is still circulating.

This week we are seeing lots of conjunctivitis.
This also could be weather related with lots of folks having allergy issues, but fussy kids with gooey eyes should get checked.

Lots of kids are vomiting this week.
Keep them hydrated!!!

There are some high fevers going around, Some of the kids are already on day 3 so it is lasting a bit.

We are also seeing quite a few sore throats.
 There is some strep out there. I just had one case where the quick test was negative, but the culture that was sent to the lab ended up positive.

If you need a summer check up or have forms that need to be filled out for camps or school call SOON so that we can take care of you. Things are booking up here. Please plan ahead.

Stay well

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I will be out of the office for the early part of this week, back on Thursday so I will do the update on what's going around then.
If something crazy is going on, one of my other stellar nurses will blog about it, but I am not anticipating the need.

I did just want to post a Happy Mother's Day wish to all of the fabulous moms out there.
It is wonderful being part of a practice where I see my patients being raised by such loving and exceptional parents.

Here is the most recent post from my blog

Enjoy your day
~Nurse Judy

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Noe Courts Improvement - jump to action!

You may have heard that the Friends of Noe Courts has been working hard on getting another round of funding to further improve our local park (located at 24th St & Douglass.) The toddler playground was a HUGE step up from what we had before, now we are so close to giving the entire park a major facelift!

Rec & Park announced the new proposed plan in the Noe Valley Voice this month. (Email if you'd like me to send it to you.) It gives our families clean, people-only grass to use while allowing dog owners, tennis players and basketball players (through a shared multi-use court) a place to play as well. I strongly feel it's a good compromise for a small pocket park.

The proposed plan is being reviewed today at City Hall at 2pm & next Thursday at 10am.  PLEASE CONSIDER attending these meetings and/or writing a letter to voice your support for these park improvements (including renovated bathrooms!) It is in danger of not going through if we don't show our support. 

Your presence at the meeting is crucial, but if you can't make it please send an email of support to all of the following:
Thanks for your efforts!
Nurse Jen

Public testimony at the Recreation and Park Commission will largely determine the outcome of the proposed park improvement plan. As a reminder, details of the upcoming hearings are as follows:
Capital Committee of the RecPark Commission
May 7 (Wed) at 2:00 PM
City Hall, Room 416
Noe Courts is the last item on the agenda, but could move up if there is a large turnout. Please see attachment.
Full Recreation and Park Commission
May 15 (Thu) at 10:00 AM
City Hall, Room 416

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday update 5/5/2014

Things was very very busy in here today.
Between the start of the check-up season, and lots of illness going around, we were fully booked and squishing in the extra patient that needed to be seen.
The triage bar is set very high. This means that unless I was really worried about your child, most likely I did NOT bring you in to be seen.

Much of what is going around does seem to be viral.
The Hand Foot Mouth virus does not seem to be showing any signs of quitting.
We also have quite a few kids with hive type rashes and puffy feet and hands.
Other kids just have random rashes.

We are seeing basic coughs and colds.
The coughs seem dry and can hang around for several weeks.

We have seen a bunch of kids with ear infections today as well.

If you have any forms for camps or schools or simply need routine check ups, do yourself a favor and call way in advance so that you can be assured of getting a slot that works for your schedule.
We are booking way up so advanced planning is important.

We have some nebulizers that we keep in the office to loan to patients for short term need. We are missing quite a few of them. If you have one of our office machines, please return it ASAP!!!

Stay well,
Nurse Judy

Monday, April 28, 2014

Illness class/ Monday update April 28th

Today is not quite as nuts as last week, maybe the kids are finally getting the memo that Winter is over.
We are still seeing kids with colds and a very harsh dry hacky cough.
Some kids are having high fevers with rashes.
Last week I had quite a few kids with several days of hives that turned out to be viral.
We have had a few positive strep tests today.
Hand foot mouth is still going around.
We seem to be seeing a lot of conjunctivitis

Whew...sounds like a lot, but still way better than last week.

Does this list of ailments make you nervous?
I have one of my illness classes coming up on may 7th Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm.

I only do this one a few times a year.
This 90 minute session reviews fevers, coughs, colds, tummy bugs, rashes, and all sorts of viruses etc.
It is good to know how to deal with all these things regardless of how old your child is.
The main focus of the class is really to  get comfortable recognizing when to worry and when to relax if your child (or you) are ill.
You can find more info about the class at
If you are interested in joining, just pop an email over to me at

Stay well and enjoy the weather, it is supposed to be a hot week so make sure you stay hydrated!

~Nurse Judy

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday update April 21st

 I hope all of our families who celebrate the Spring holidays had a happy Easter and/or Passover.

There certainly seems to be a ton of illness going around.

We are continuing to see quite a bit of Hand/Foot/ Mouth

The most noteworthy thing this morning was the huge numbers of calls about very high fevers.
Some of the kids were actually up in the 104-105 range. These are no kidding around fevers.

I am still watching most of these folks to see what is going on and how long it is lasting.
So far some of the kids are on the third day. The fever comes and goes and comes along with a bit of general rashiness.

It could be that we are starting to see some Slap Cheek around. That virus will sometimes cause these super high temps

We are also seeing quite a bit of Conjuntivitis.

There is also some vomiting and lots of coughing.
There is Whooping Cough out in the community.

As you can imagine the phones were totally nuts all day.
I sat down at my desk at 8:30 and was on the phone absolutely non stop until I looked up and it was already 1:00.
Poor Nurse Judy didn't have a chance to go out and get her coffee!

Thanks to all of you for your patience with the Monday phones and busy signals.

Stay healthy!
~Nurse Judy

For any moms out there looking for a good cause I am adding this info below

There’s still time to join Moms In Training – the new program offered by Team In Training and benefiting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! With teams forming across SF, East Bay, North Bay and South Bay, these incredible moms have already raised over $12,000.  If you ore a friend is interested in participating in the See Jane Run Stroller Stride 5k, sign up for Moms In Training today! 

:: Susan Parish | Campaign Director, Recruitment & Team Development | Team In Training
:: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Greater Bay Area Chapter | 221 Main Street, Suite 1650, San Francisco, CA 94105:: ph. 415.625.1138| VOIP 1138 | |


Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekly Update April 14th

Hand Foot Mouth is still out there in big numbers making many of our patients miserable.
I am seeing some kids with a lot of mouth involvement this time. This is a yucky week or so, but they will get through it.

We are also seeing lots of tummy stuff. There seems to be a combo of vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps going around

I have been advised that there are quite a few documented cases of Whooping cough in the city.

We still have our share of kids with the basic cough/ cold

I have a lot of kids today with conjunctivitis... No blog post on that, hmmm I will put that on my list for a future post.

Happy Passover to all of you who celebrate!

~Nurse Judy

Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekly Update April 7th

I was out of the office on the East Coast last week, but I hear that Hand Foot Mouth was running rampant around here.
Last week we also saw some Strep Throat.

Today most of my phone calls were kids with some loose stools.
There are also still lots of coughs and colds out there.

The RSV viral load statistics show that that is finally slowing down.

I had some questions recently wondering if there was any updates about the mystery virus that was in the news last month.
The SF public health Department sends us a Health Advisory if there is anything new showing up.
We have gotten reports of a new and scary Meningococcal disease among men having sex with other men down in the LA area.
We have also gotten reports of more measles cases in the Bay Area.
There has been nothing more at all reported about that odd Polio like virus.
That was very rare, and had zero cases in SF.

Have a healthy week and enjoy this wonderful weather.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Weekly Update 3/24/14

The majority of the calls this morning are tummy related.
There are quite a few kids with some loose stools and/or vomiting.

In the office we are seeing plenty of folks with colds, coughs and fevers.
Lots of the grown ups are getting stricken with this as well.
Some of the parents who seem to be coming in almost weekly are joking that they need to leave a suitcase here. This will pass. You are not alone, there is a lot going around.

I have also gotten quite a few calls about tick bites in the last two weeks. This prompted me to update my tick bite post

If you are interested...Here is some info about a good cause.
Are you a mom that wants to meet other moms, get in shape and help fight blood cancer?  Join the brand new program from The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team In Training – Moms In Training!  Moms In Training is a nine-week workout program that helps busy moms prepare for a 5K race while meeting other moms in their community and raising funds for LLS’s mission to fight cancer.

Moms In Training was created with the goal of bringing moms together to get in shape, fight cancer and raise funds for LLS.  Moms In Training includes weekly workouts on Saturday mornings, which consists of running, walking, cross-training and stretching, and social events throughout the season with other moms in the area.  The program climates with the See Jane Run 5K Walk and Stroller Stride in Alameda, CA on June 22, 2014.  This program is perfect for new moms since they are able to train with their babies as long as they remain in the stroller!

Moms In Training is currently available in San Francisco, East Bay, North Bay, Peninsula, South Bay and Santa Cruz.  Interested moms can learn more or sign up at

Stay well
Nurse Judy

Monday, March 17, 2014

Weekly update March 17th

Last week it was all about the Hand/Foot/Mouth

This week there isn't any one star of the show.
We are seeing lots of coughing kids with fevers.
I have a few who seem like they may have Croup

The virology reports from the Health Department show that RSV is peaking higher now than it was a few months ago.

There are a few cases of kids vomiting and a separate group who are having loose poops for a few days.

I am seeing many cases of Conjunctivitis.

For those who are not on my weekly email
If you have baby # 2 coming along, you may want to check out this weeks NurseJudy Blog post.

Stay well,
Nurse Judy

Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekly update March 10th

I hope that everyone is dealing with the time change.
I think it was universally hard to wake up this morning, but it will be nice to have the extra hours of daylight.

Today we are seeing some high fevers with coughs.

I am also seeing some general rashes along with some kids who may well have Hand/Foot/Mouth.

I also have had a few cases of Pin Worms.

I have some kids with mild vomiting, it seems to be more cough related than anything else.

This week, my Nurse Judy post was on whooping cough
Whooping cough

Below are some relevant posts to the stuff that I am seeing this week.

Hand Foot Mouth Virus

Pin Worms UGH

dealing with colds/coughs

Basic Rashes


Stay well